A GROUP of students in Bude have been channelling their inner entrepreneur as part of the Rotary Youth Apprentice Challenge.
Students from Bude Primary School have been getting creative in a effort to make a profitable business, with the help of funding from Bude’s Rotary Club.
This initiative involves teams from schools and youth organisations across the district seeking to raise funds for their own bodies and two nominated charities. Teams are each loaned seed funding of £50 from a local Rotary club with the aim of undertaking projects to make a profit.
The two teams in Bude worked together to make a number of products that they sold in the school as well as a range of refreshments in the school cafe. The challenge finished with a well-attended enterprise event at the school on February 13. After repaying the seed funding, students made an impressive profit of £164 which will be split to support their school's activities and a donation to ShelterBox and Literacy in a Box.
Rotary Club of Bude president Martin Yeo said: “I and my colleagues in the club are so impressed by the enthusiasm and initiative shown by these youngsters and their achievement in raising these funds for such very worthy causes. We hope this challenge will become an ongoing part of Rotary's programme and other schools in and around Bude can participate in the future”.
Assistant head of school, Emma Askham, said: “We are incredibly proud of our school council representatives for their hard work, creativity and teamwork in planning and hosting our enterprise event.
“They took ownership of every stage – forming a plan, creating products and running the event – showcasing fantastic leadership and initiative. It was a valuable learning experience and the children gained so much from the opportunity to collaborate, problem-solve and develop their entrepreneurial skills. Well done to everyone involved!”