Conservative – Scott Mann

I’m very proud that during the last nine years that I’ve been MP, I have done everything I can to ensure that young people in North Cornwall don’t have to decide to leave if they want a different career path. They should have the chance to get a world-class education right here, not hundreds of miles away from home – that’s what I achieved with the STEM centre in Bodmin and the college at Callywith. When I first started in politics on the old North Cornwall District Council, the site the college is on was a field with a campsite; a decade later it’s an ‘outstanding’ level further education facility. Now, for the first time, young people can access degree-level apprenticeships in North Cornwall. My plan for the next five years is to expand upon the work I have already done and bring higher-level degrees in the skills we need for tomorrow’s jobs, right here on our doorstep. In previous elections, I have pledged to make education my priority and my record shows that I have delivered. This is exactly what I will keep doing if I am re-elected on July 4.

Labour – Robyn Harris

I recently engaged in discussions with a group of Cornwall Housing Tenants where we shared our paths to social housing. The predominant reason for entry was not due to rent defaults or job losses but rather through receiving a Section 21 notice. This notice allows landlords to evict tenants with a two-month notice period after the fixed-term contract concludes, without having to provide a reason, hence the term “no-fault” eviction. Our group also faces challenges like long-term health issues and a decline in quality of life. Many individuals, whether employed or reliant on benefits, express the hardships they've endured, and the stability social housing provides with affordable rents for numerous essential workers. Personally, I have faced difficulties in purchasing or renting private accommodations and have experienced homelessness and found my family seeking security through Cornwall Housing.

A review commissioned by the Labour Party on the private rental sector has proposed recommendations such as establishing a National Landlords Register to uphold standards, eliminating no-fault evictions, and introducing "rent stabilisation" measures. I wonder about the concept of affordable housing in Cornwall, especially for many key workers who earn the minimum wage.

Liberal Democrats – Ben Maguire

It’s that time of year again – the Royal Cornwall Show! Farming and fishing are the lifeblood of Cornwall, and the show is a wonderful way to celebrate these vital industries. I’m looking forward to seeing you all there!

Food security has never been more important to us. With unstable international forces and trade affected by Brexit red tape, it’s imperative that we all support Cornish farming and fishing. However, over the past few months, I’ve spoken to many farmers and fishers who feel their voices are just not being heard in Westminster. Farmers are battling rising costs, unworkable supermarket prices and a new post-Brexit farm payment scheme that many say doesn’t prioritise food productivity. Robust support and protection from the government, will not only benefit our hard-working farmers and fishermen, but will benefit our country as a whole.

As your Lib Dem MP, I would ensure a strong voice in Westminster for farmers and fishers and hold regular meetings to address their concerns. I will tirelessly advocate for North Cornwall. Together, we can build a future where our fishing and farming are given the respect they deserve. Cornwall deserves better. Farming deserves better. It’s time for change!

Reform UK – Rowland O’Connor

With the current waiting list estimated to hit over eight-million by summer 2024, Reform UK has bold plans to clear the wait list in just two years. As North Cornwall has many vulnerable elderly that rely on a functioning NHS It is vital that we get our NHS back on track.

Hospital beds (nationally) have been cut from 300,000 to 141,00 white the population has grown by 20 per cent.

Reform UK has a bold, fully costed plan to start fixing the NHS which includes:

• Retain free “at the point of delivery” care.

• Improve doctor and nurse availability - all frontline NHS and social care workers to pay zero tax for three years and help encourage staff to return to work.

• Doctor and nurse training - write off student fees pro-rata per year over 10 years.

These are just a few of the steps that we plan to reduce waiting lists.

On July 4 we have a choice for our NHS. If we want change and to save our NHS - Reform UK is the right choice to fix our NHS.

More detail and full costs can be found on the Reform UK website - “our contract with you - Section NHS”.

Green Party – Lance Symonds