EACH year documents are released which detail how each of the country’s 650 parliamentary MPs have used their government expenses.

Every MP is provided with a set budget, which can be used to fund a number of things including rent, bills, and equipment. These budgets are sourced via the country’s council tax income and thus MP spending is deemed to be in the public interest.

Prior to the announcement of the July 4 general election, there were a total of seven (Conservative) MPs across our coverage area — six of which are recognised as prospective parliamentary candidates with the former MP for Camborne and Redruth retiring. However, prior to this, each had access to an expenses budget, and here is how they spent it in the last year:

Scott Mann, MP for North Cornwall

Accommodation: £22,747.54 

Office costs: £22,786.06 

Staffing: £3,188 

During the 2023/24 period, Mr Mann spent a total of £48,721.60.  

More than £19,500 of this was spent on rented accommodation - listed in his accommodation costs.

On top of this - listed under office costs - Mr Mann spent a further £8,316 on a rented office space.

Other points of note include a £375 claim for the postage of a single item; £5,193.12 spent on office equipment, including a total of £3,223.38 on computers, laptops, PC’s, tablets and accessories.

Sir Geoffrey Cox, MP for Torridge and West Devon 

Accommodation: £15,800 

Office costs: £16,341.76 

Staffing: £3,188 

During the 2023/24 period, Sir Geoffrey spent a total of £35,329.76.

All of Sir Geoffrey’s accommodation costs went towards the rent of a property, while a further £5,625 of office costs were spent on the rent of an office space.

As well as this, more than £1,000 was spent on office cleaning services, more than £1,500 on office phone bills, and more than £3,200 spent on recruitment.

Sheryll Murray, MP for South East Cornwall 

Accommodation: £21,764.87 

Office costs: £13,831.34 

During the 2023/24 period, Sheryll Murray spent a total of £35,596.21.

Of the £21,764.87 spent on accommodation, £18,828.37 was used to cover the cost of rent, with 11 payments of £1,711.67 for the rent of a flat.

As part of Ms Murray’s office costs, £159 was used for a television license and £2,295.19 was spent on landline, phone and internet costs.

Steve Double, MP for St Austell and Newquay 

Accommodation: £21,951.81 

Office costs: £20,840.26 

Staffing: £46.40 

During the 2023/24 period, Steve Double spent a total of £42,838.47.

£19,875.00 of Mr Double’s accommodation costs were spent on rent of a property, with a further £461.74 claimed for the use of landlines, phones and internet used within the accommodation.  

Mr Double has also spent a total of £9,000 on the rent of an office space within his constituency.  

Between March 2023 and September 2023, Mr Double also spent £2,815.31 on printing and stationary.

Also included in Mr Double’s office costs is a claim for £313.78 to cover the cost of newspapers, journals and magazines.

Derek Thomas, MP for St Ives 

Accommodation: £5,175 

Office costs: £19,521.97 

During the 2023/24 period, Derek Thomas spent a total of £24,696.97.

All of Mr Thomas’ accommodation spending has been used to cover the cost of hotels. Of the total, £5,025 has been used for London hotels, with some costing £300; while the remaining £150 was used for a hotel stay outside of the capital.

As part of Mr Thomas’ office costs, in December 2023, he spent £507.60 on ‘Derek Thomas MP Beer Mats’. This claim contributed to a total of £2,926.60 spent on stationary and printing.

Cherilyn Mackrory, MP for Truro 

Accommodation: £21,122.71 

Office costs: £19,767.96 

Staffing: £3,292 

During the 2023/24 period, Cherilyn Mackrory spent a total of £44,182.62.

The bulk of Ms Mackrory’s accommodation costs were made up of £18,981 in property rent.  

Rent was also a major feature in Ms Mackrory’s office costs, with £10,000 spent on renting an office space.  

George Eustice, MP for Camborne and Redruth 

Accommodation: £15,490.96 

Office costs: £14,387.19 

During the 2023/24 period, George Eustice spent a total of £29,878.15.

Made up of business rates, rent, and utilities, Mr Eustice’s accommodation costs were most strongly contributed to by £13,000 spent in rent.  

Of the more than £14,000 spent on office costs, £1,107.14 was spent on landline, phone and internet, rental and usage costs.  

For full breakdown of MP’s spending, visit: www.theipsa.org.uk/mp-staffing-business-costs/your-mp#mp-t  

With the announcement of the July 4 general election, candidates from a number of parties will be standing for election. The full list of candidates is as follows:

North Cornwall: Scott Mann – Conservative, Robyn Harris – Labour, Ben Maguire – Liberal Democrats,  Rowland O’Connor – Reform UK,  Lance Symonds – Green Party.

South East Cornwall: Sheryll Murray – Conservative, Anna Gelderd – Labour, Colin Martin – Liberal Democrats, Paul Wadley – Reform UK, Martin Corney – Green Party.

St Austell and Newquay: Steve Double –Conservative, Noah Law – Labour, Joanna Kenny – Liberal Democrats, Stephen Beal – Reform UK, Amanda Pennington – Green Party.

Truro and Falmouth: Cherilyn Mackrory – Conservative, Jayne Kirkham – Labour, Ruth Gripper – Liberal Democrats, Steven Rubidge – Reform UK, Karen La Borde – Green Party.

Camborne and Redruth: Connor Donnithorne – Conservative, Perran Moon – Labour, Thalia Marrington – Liberal Democrats, Roger Tarrant – Reform UK, Catherine Hayes – Green Party.

St Ives: Derek Thomas – Conservative, Dr Filson Ali – Labour, Andrew George – Liberal Democrats, Giane Mortimer – Reform UK, Ian Flindall – Green Party. 

Torridge and Tavistock: Geoffrey Cox – Conservative, Isabel Angela Saxby – Labour, Phil Hutty – Liberal Democrats, Andrew Jackson – Reform UK, Judy Maciejowska – Green Party, Philip Peers – Social Democratic Party, Alan Edward Rayner – Independent.