ACCESSIBLE toilets for all are now available in Wadebridge after a new changing places facility was opened to the public.

Changing Places toilets are larger accessible toilets for individuals with profound and multiple disabilities who require assistance in using the toilet. The facility has equipment such as hoists, curtains, adult-sized changing benches, and space for carers and seeks to circumvent the challenges that users who require them face in accessing standard facilities.

The new facility has been jointly funded by a government grant from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) Changing Places Fund and Wadebridge Town Council supported by Muscular Dystrophy UK (DLUHC’s delivery partner) and Cornwall Council.

It comes amid plans by Wadebridge Town Council to invest in new, accessible toilet facilities at a time where other areas are seeing them reduced due to funding pressures.

Cllr Ian Welch, the mayor of Wadebridge said: “This new Changing Places facility reflects how Wadebridge opens its arms to welcome everyone and ensures users, their families, and carers, can enjoy peace of mind knowing that suitable toilet facilities are readily available when visiting our town.

“This has been a real team project led by our clerk, Anne Minnis, with fantastic support from all staff who have really pulled together to bring this facility to Wadebridge. My thanks go to everyone involved, including our town councillors, and on behalf of the Town Council, I am delighted to deliver this much-needed resource to our community.”

A spokesperson for Wadebridge Town Council added: “The town council have also invested in the provision of a further two self-contained accessible unisex toilet cubicles with baby changing facility. At a time when toilet provision is being scaled back across the country the Town Council are proud to change the narrative in Wadebridge.

“The town council view toilet provision as an essential service and, with this additional provision, continues to demonstrate its support for local businesses and encouraging visitors to our town. With this in mind our toilets remain free to access. A radar key is required to access the Changing Places facility.”