A CORNWALL councillor has responded to numerous reports that roadworks have been causing traffic chaos in one North Cornwall town.
Drivers in Bude have faced long delays over the last few weeks after a number of roadworks have caused disruption across the town.
Work has been getting underway on Kings Hill and is set to run until February 24, as Wales and West Utilities (WWU) carry out ‘utility repair and maintenance works’. During this time, drivers have been faced with multi-way traffic control near Bagbury Road.
The town has also faced further works, with Coast View seeing maintenance, and Cormac undertaking work in the town centre.
However, following the introduction of these works, residents have expressed their frustrations at the hefty delays and traffic build up as a result.
Now, town councillor and Cornwall councillor for the town, Peter La Broy has provided an update on the situation.
He said: “The planners always were trying to avoid more than one set of restrictions in Bude at a time, but weather and unexpected delays have come together meaning that the overlap has been unavoidable. I've been promised that the Coast View works are demobilising tomorrow (January 29).
“However that leaves us with the Cormac works in the town centre and a replacement gas main on Kings Hill. Neither of these can be stood down, as it would mean them bleeding into peak season time.”
Cllr La Broy has also provided an update from the town’s ‘streetworks co-ordinator’.
They said: “Unfortunately, I have spoken to Wales and West and their works cannot be delayed, as they have multiple phases programmed right up to the Easter embargo. If their works are delayed then it will result in the A3073 been closed over the Easter period, and as it is a gas main replacement they are upgrading they cannot commence and then leave site.
“I have spoken to South West Water (SWW) and they are hopeful they will be completed tomorrow (January 29), their works have been delayed by residents parking on Stratton Road within the works site and reducing the carriageway width, resulting in them having to stop works when a large vehicle or bus needs to pass as not enough width. They did have their traffic signals fail yesterday morning, which did cause some congestion whilst they waited for new signals to arrive on site.
“In addition, Cormac started their works in October half term and were due to finish by January 10, however; they requested an extension to their permit and advised they were unable to complete the works in time and clear site. This has resulted in the clash of works, as SWW works were approved to follow on from Cormac on January 13. As advised above, the parking situation has resulted in SWW extending their end date which then impacted the approved dates for the Wales and West works which was January 17, 2025.
“Unfortunately, these things do happen from time to time, due to the short window of dates for works to take place in Bude, for utilities’ and private contractors to get works done before the embargoes commence, and the fact that businesses after the embargo challenge any works prior to Christmas trade, so in effect, they only have January to March to programme their works.
“However, all sets of traffic lights are been manually controlled to assist the traffic flow.
“I am aware Rodds Bridge (County Road) is closed, and it does not form part of WWU diversion route.”