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Looking Back: Take a trip down memory lane
Looking Back: Stolen milk lead to a 'lotta fines' forty years ago
Looking Back: News from 100 years ago
Looking Back: Minister believed "dancing lowered moral standards"
Looking Back: Pubs, paramedics and plans for a milk factory
Looking Back: Take a walk down memory lane
Looking back: The evolution of North Cornwall through the decades
Share your memories with us, email [email protected]
Looking Back: The millennium and beyond
Barrie Doney's Cornwall: Bodmin as it once was
Pictures from the Past: The wreckage of Dr Beeching's axe
Looking Back: Local news stories from the last century
Pictures from the Past: Cornwall's railways prior to the Beeching Axe
Barrie Doney's Cornwall: Photographs from our past
The superstitions of folklore involving the Piskies and Tommyknockers
Looking Back: Step back in time
Send your Times Past pictures to [email protected]
The Deathly Gallows: a chronicle of the evil within Bodmin Jail
Looking Back: News stories that tell the history of your local area
Looking Back: Reunited by old school photograph
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