A NEW exhibition is commemorating the remarkable project to relocate Bude’s Storm Tower. 

A new exhibition room has been created at The Castle Heritage Centre in Bude. This permanent exhibition commemorates the history of the Storm Tower, also known as the 'Pepperpot’. 

The exhibition features a comprehensive display on the Acland family, the history of the Storm Tower, and the community's efforts to preserve this iconic landmark. Visitors will also learn about the past and recent moves to save the tower from the encroaching sea, as well as the impact of climate change, which necessitated its relocation. 

Located on the ground floor of The Castle, this new exhibition room has been transformed from a space that had occasional use into a place to educate and remember the work which was undertaken in recent years.  

Mark Berridge, The Castle and Culture manager, commented: “It is great to house this permanent exhibition in this room which utilises a space that has only had occasional use for the past eight years since I have been running The Castle. It has been a really nice venture to undertake and the staff teams have worked together to make this happen.” 

Janine King, The Castle’s heritage curator, added: “I am so proud of how this room has turned out. It adds another exciting attraction for people to come and see. We were fortunate to receive a legacy donation from a local resident, John Littlejohns Walter, part of which funded the creation of the room.” 

The exhibition opens from Tuesday, June 18 at 10am and will be open daily from 10am to 4pm. Entry is free.