A CHURCH in Launceston is gearing up to celebrate 500 years since it was dedicated.  

The custom of dedication takes place when churches in the Church of England are dedicated to one or more people. Most are dedicated to a single 'patron saint', such as Saint Peter or The Virgin Mary, or one of the persons of God, such as Holy Trinity, Christ Church, or The Good Shepherd. 

In the coming week, St Mary Magdalene Church in the town is set to celebrate half a millennia since its initial dedication.  

There are various events planned for the occasion, including a Flower Festival is one of them.  

As well as this, the church has invited Bishop of St Germans, Bishop Hugh, who will lead the morning service on Sunday, June 16 which will include the dedicating of the newly refurbished clock.  

Sue Tierney from the church explained: “We are very grateful for all the hard work that has been done to repair the clock and for the grants that helped to pay for it. The whole town benefits from the clock and it is good to see it working again. 

“Of course, the main function of the church is the worship of God and the fellowship of Christian people. We welcome everyone to our services.”