Probus Club
At Launceston Probus’ regular Monday meeting chairman Paul started by welcoming the club’s new member Mark Stevens.
Paul highlighted that as result of recent discussion by members on the aims of the club it was agreed that we would continue as an informal organisation, focussing on entertainment and friendship.
John Fitzpatrick then introduced our speaker for the day - Geoff Provis. Geoff gave an illustrated talk on the fishermen of Port Isaac. He discussed the development of the fishing industry based on Port Isaac and Port Gaverne, going back into the 1800s.
Are you interested in Probus? We meet regularly on the second and fourth Mondays to be entertained by a speaker followed by an optional lunch.
For further information on past and future activities of Probus, including talks and visits, visit the website at which also gives information and contacts.
Lunch Club
Twenty six members of the Lezant Lunch Club were welcomed by Ken Scoble at Trebullett Hall on Wednesday, May 29.
Members enjoyed a delicious meal of chicken and vegetable casserole served with peas and spring cabbage. This was followed by fresh strawberries and cream accompanied by home baked shortbread biscuits. The food was prepared by Judith Scott and Carolyn Reynolds. Service was provided by Carolyn Reynolds, Cynthia Jewell, Ruth Burden, Mary Bridger, Helen Judge and Julie Dinnis. A vegetarian alternative was also available. During coffee members were entertained by a quiz provided by one of our members. The answers were UK towns. The Lezant Lunch Club meets on the last Wednesday of each month. The next lunch will take place on Wednesday, June 26, at 12.30pm at Trebullett Hall. The cost is just £5 for two courses plus coffee. Phone Ruth Burden on 01566 782286 to book a place.
Methodist Chapel
THE service at Morwenstow Methodist Chapel at Shop on Aldersgate/Trinity Sunday was led by Rev Joy Wilson and included Holy Communion.
Colin Tape was the organist for the hymns. The lessons were read by Jill Johns and Freda Olde. The projector was controlled by Stuart Ash.
Rev Joy administered the Sacraments of the Lord's Supper in the form of intinction assisted by Bill Cleave.
On Sunday, June 2, the service was led by Clive Smale of Bradworthy.
Hymns were accompanied by Colin Tape at the organ. Lessons were read by Debbie French and John Cleave.
The projector was controlled by Bill Cleave. Both services were followed by coffee and a chance to chat in the Wesley Room.
Methodist Chapel
CHRISTINE Forster took the service at the Methodist Chapel on Trinity Sunday.
Ruth Bealing led the opening devotions and we worshipped the Lord by singing.
The singing was led by Sandra Shepherd on keyboard, Mark Shepherd on guitar with Marlene Heard and John Cleave as vocalists.
Readings were by: Mark Shepherd, Geoff Broome, Mary Care, Marlene Heard and Ros Watson.
Christine gave a reflection on the Trinity. Lesley Coxon led the prayers. Tim Watson operated the tech desk.
Coffee and biscuits were served after the service.
The Holy Communion service at the Methodist Chapel on Sunday, June 2, was led by Rev Simon Leigh.
Karen Shepherd gave the welcome and the opening devotions were led by Ruth Bealing.
The singing was led by Dionne Bere on the keyboard and with Pam Newton and Maxine Whenmouth as vocalists.
The lesson was read by Vicki Bluett. The tech desk was operated by Tim Watson and Mark Banks.
Thank you to those who arranged creche activities for the children present.
Rev Simon administered the Holy Communion with Mary Care acting as communion steward.
Refreshments followed the service.
St Giles on the Heath
Women’s Guild
For our May meeting we had a lovely visit to Alder Vineyard at Lewdown for a talk and tour followed by coffee and cake. We started the tour in the vineyard, in between the showers.
Tom Hodgetts, the head wine wizard, gave us the history of the vineyard and their plans for the future.
Whilst having our coffee and tea we discussed the Summer Fete on Saturday, June 22, at 3pm for The Merlin Centre, Cornwalls Neurotherapy Centre near St Austell. This centre helps those with neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's and their families to manage their challenges. We arranged for several different tables with cakes, plants, bric a brac, books and groceries. Also a raffle and guessing games. We also organised refreshments for the afternoon. Our visit was the last meeting of the season, we start again on September 17 at 7.30pm in the Jubilee Room attached to the village hall. Everyone is welcome, come along and join our friendly group. For more details contact Trish Shanks 01566 773256.
St Melor’s Church
Morning prayer will be held in St Melor’s Church, Linkinhrone, on Monday and Wednesday at 10am.
Evensong will be held at 6.30pm on Sunday, June 16.
St Paul’s Church
Holy Communion will be held in St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, at 9.15am on Sunday, June 16.
Messy Church will be held at Rilla Mill Retreat Centre at 3pm.
Women’s Institute
Member, Maxine Browne reports that the May meeting at the Parish Hall in Upton Cross did not go quite according to plan. Speaker Joanne Shepherd (aka Mrs Miracle) had to cancel on the day due to illness. However, President Kim Sudell came to the recue hosting an entertaining quiz on flowers which was much enjoyed by all.
As May is the start of the Institute’s new year, it was also the month in which the annual prizes for the competitions are handed out. Muriel Brown won the weekly competition and the runners-up were Marion Turner and Mavis Macleod. Muriel also won the flower competition and Marion was again the runner-up.
The day following the meeting seven members enjoyed a meal at The Tavern by the Premier Inn. Sadly The Tavern is closing in July.
The next meeting will take place in the parish hall at Upton Cross on Wednesday, June 12, at 7.30pm.
For more information of this institute contact the president via [email protected]
Jubilee Field Upton Cross
Linkinhorne Parish Council has warned regarding a recent incident in the Jubilee Field, that some motorised buggies are being driven around there which is the public play park between the Parish Hall and Sterts. This is a reminder to everyone that the Jubilee Field is intended to be a safe place for children of all ages to play and therefore not appropriate for motorised buggies to be driven around the field.
The council have advised that the use of such motorised vehicles is potentially dangerous and as such they should not be taken into any part of the field.
Community Film
The next film “The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry,” (a 600 mile journey on foot, a mission to make a difference — the perfect pick-me-up tonic for tough times) will be shown in the Parish Hall at Upton Cross on Saturday, June 15, doors open at 6.30pm, film at 7pm.
Coffee morning
This monthly event will take place on Tuesday, June 18, in the Parish Hall at Upton Cross from 10.30am to noon.
Rilla Mill Village Hall
The next committee meeting will be held in the hall on Wednesday, June 19, at 7pm.
Royal British Legion
A public event at the iconic Bodmin Beacon Nature Reserve was the site of the final part of a day-long series of moments to mark the momentous occasion.
It followed an early morning proclamation from the town crier and an emotive memorial service held by the Royal British Legion and attended by veterans at Bodmin Keep, the historic headquarters of the Bodmin Barracks.