HUNDREDS of people flocked to Bude last week to enjoy the town’s leading climate awareness event.  

Each year, Bude Climate Festival welcomes people from across the country to enjoy entertainment while also engaging with climate issues.  

Organised by Bude Climate Partnership, the festival aims to raise climate change awareness and ‘help Bude build a brighter, more resilient future’.  

Bude Climate Partnership’s community engagement officer and event organiser, Kate Stark, said: “We knew we had a great day lined up for the community, with opportunities for every age group to have fun, learn and chat about positive action in the face of climate change, but we didn’t really know how widely a climate festival would resonate. 

“We were blown away by the attendance and support of our partners, local community groups and businesses. What’s clear is that large numbers of people are concerned about the climate crisis and keen to learn what they can do to mitigate its impacts. 

“What was so heartening was catching people stopping and really taking time to talk to chat through the climate issues we face but in a positive way and look at what measures we can take to build a brighter future for our community.  

“We clearly all love where we live and want to ensure our children and grandchildren can enjoy our beautiful surroundings as much as we do right now.”