A BUDE resident has been awarded the Gold Milestone Award by the NSPCC after hosting fundraising coffee mornings for more than a decade.

Jenny Cloke has been holding the events at her home in Bude for the last 12 years and was given the award in recognition of her fundraising efforts.

These events have become hugely popular, with her most recent coffee morning raising more than £700 for the children’s charity.

She took over hosting the events from Diane Rowlands who had also been working tirelessly as a charity volunteer, welcoming people to her home for more than 35 years before handing the reins over to Jenny.

Discussing her recent award, Jenny has said that it was completely unexpected, and even played down the hard work that she puts in.

She said: The award was very unexpected. I took over the coffee mornings in Bude having helped Diane in the last few years and when it became too much for her I offered to step in.

“I have been doing it between 10 and 12 years now, with a break for Covid. I just invite people who live in our road and they come along and have a lovely time. Being in a small place like Bude you get to know different groups of people, I don’t advertise the coffee mornings as I know I will have enough people to come along.

“I am 80 this year so it is quite hard work to set it up but it is very satisfying and I have quite a lot of friends who are happy to help out.”

Jenny is just one of a number of fundraisers across Cornwall who help to raise money for the NSPCC which means that services such as Childline and the charity’s Schools Service can continue to provide help and support to children and prevent child abuse.

Jenny added: I used to be a school nurse so I have been involved with children and heard some of the not very pleasant stories. I feel very emotionally involved with children and the NSPCC is a good charity to be involved with. My small contribution is to do these coffee mornings.”

Alison Armer, NSPCC community fundraising manager for Cornwall, said: We are immensely grateful to Jenny, and supporters like her, who work so hard to raise funds for the NSPCC and help us to provide vital services to children and young people across the country.

“Without our dedicated volunteers we would not be able to continue our mission to keep children safe and protect them from abuse so I was delighted to be able to recognise Jenny’s dedication with a Gold Milestone Award.”