By Nathan Pollard

Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club race report – Sunday, October 6


FOUR boats set off across the start line, in grey drizzly conditions, which later turned heavy, and in a light South Westerly wind.

Dave Perrett's Solo was first around Dam Green closely pursued by Nathan Pollard’s Laser, followed by Vicki Duncalf’s Topper and Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley in the Bosun.

Dave and Nathan took different routes back down from Pinky, but met again near the end of the lap and were neck-and-neck to Dam Green with Nathan just rounding the buoy first.

With the wind still poor and the drizzle non-stop, the race was shortened as Nathan crossed over the line at end of lap twoafter gaining some distance from Solo, with the Topper retiring at the same time.

Nathan crossed the finish line first with a time of just over an hour, Dave finishing a few minutes after, followed by the Bosun after another 30 minutes had passed.

Results: 1 Nathan Pollard (Laser); 2 Dave Perrett (Solo); 3 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun). Retired: Vicki Duncalf (Topper).


WITH just four hardy souls wanting to return to the water, the five-minute horn was sounded as soon as the third boat had left the jetty as to reduce the time spent in the damp weather.

The wind had improved a little and Nathan Pollard completed his first lap in under 10 minutes, finishing the race with a time of 33:50, and the race victory.

Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley finished in 42 minutes, while Liam Routley retired after finishing the second lap.

Results: 1 Nathan Pollard (Laser); 2 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun); Retired: Liam Routley (Laser Radial).

Thanks were expressed to the officer of the day Ian Chatterton, who fulfilled the role for both races.