PETER Dingle is pictured presenting a trophy titled ‘The Peter Dingle Trophy’ to South Petherwin Cricket Club on Saturday, June 29, where has played and had connections with the club for the past 30 years.

Peter has kindly given this trophy to the club, because sadly he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and this would be a suitable way in keeping his memory alive at the presentation event held every year.

Peter would like to personally thank everyone who kindly gave him a warm welcome at the club during the event and also to Mike and Sue Howard and the staff at Sign O Times in Bude who provided the trophy and engraving at a reduced price, for which he is truly grateful.

South Petherwin club captain Jacob Masters said: “Peter has been a great asset to the club for many years and his contribution to the club has been beyond the call of duty at all times.”

Pictured with Peter and Jacob are the first team before Saturday’s Cornwall Cricket League Division Two East clash with Callington Seconds which the visitors won by four wickets having been set 219 to win.