FIREWORKS are to be banned on council land in a North Cornwall town after calls to avoid their use to mitigate the distress on animals.

Wadebridge Town Council has confirmed that, with the exception of Guy Fawkes’ night on November 5 each year, it will not allow use of its land to host fireworks events and will ‘actively discourage their use’ elsewhere.

The decision comes after the council undertook a survey between August 16 and September 13 to gauge the views of residents, with 468 respondents participating.

The future of the New Year’s Eve display in the town is uncertain, with the council electing to make a decision in June of each year, with sponsorship of the event by local bodies including the chamber of commerce, local businesses and the town team having a factor in whether this event will go ahead in future years.

A spokesperson for Wadebridge Town Council said: “The council has received, over the past few years, correspondence from Parishioners regarding Fireworks displays in town. At the Full Council meeting in November 2023, it was determined that before a decision regarding fireworks was made by the Council the views of the community be sought.

“Survey questions were structured regarding the role that the town council has in fireworks events in town. To clarify, the town council funds the New Years Eve fireworks event. The town council permits Firework Displays to take place on town council land for Wadebridge Carnival and the Chamber of Commerce for late night shopping. These events are funded by the aforementioned organisations. The fireworks display held at the rugby club is an event held and funded by the rugby club. The town council is the landlord for the rugby club as the land at the rugby club is town council land.

“Questionnaire results were published on the town council’s website. Councillors discussed the feedback received from the questionnaire and debated at length at the full council meeting on January 15, 2025. At the meeting, the town council acknowledged the environmental impact of fireworks, as well as the cost, and agreed to reduce the number of fireworks events in the town across the year. Public safety, especially on the old bridge, as well as the need to manage road closures and necessary safety measures were all essential considerations of the decision to be made. The council decision is as follows.

“With the exception of November 5, celebrations held at the Rugby Club, due to the historic significance of this date, Wadebridge Town Council will not consider or accept requests from third parties to hold firework displays on its land and will actively discourage their use elsewhere.

“For New Year’s Eve, Wadebridge Town Council will seek sponsorship/funding from pubs, Chamber of Commerce and the Town Team and reassess annually, by a full council vote in June, whether to proceed with New Years Eve fireworks for the coming New Year.”

“If you have any queries please contact the town clerk, by phone on 01208 817080 or by email : [email protected].”