THE local branch of a major transport trade union has announced it will hold a protest at a closure threatened bus station.

Padstow Town Council recently announced it had withdrawn permission for operators to use the bus stop on its land, stating that it was posing safety risks.

This has been met with a response from the RMT union, which has said it will hold a protest in the morning of Friday, October 18, beginning at 8.30am.

Barry West, a member of the Regional Council for the RMT, said: “I wrote to the town council, I wrote by email to the mayor and deputy mayor. I sent a copy to the town clerk and I also posted a hard copy of the rally poster in the town council letter box.

“I have invited them to attend the rally on Friday but there has been no response or reaction so far.I repeat my invitation to meet and discuss the issues with the intention of finding solutions that will not disadvantage the elderly the disabled people, nor exclude locals and visitors alike from being able to access Padstow safely and on the level.

“Please come support the rally on Friday morning 8.30am October 18 at Padstow by the town council office.”

Padstow Town Council had issued a clarification about its decision.

Vice-chair to Padstow Town Council, Cllr Janet Dawe outlined: “It is unreasonable for Cornwall Council, as the authority responsible for bus services to expect Padstow Town Council to accept liability for an operation which it has no way of managing.

“We have no input into matters which affect the operation in the town such as the number of services, the frequency of buses and bus operator practices, and we have no power to mitigate any issues that may arise.

“Padstow Town Council is a small council and my fellow councillors and I are all volunteers doing our best for the community. Councillors feel they have been backed into a corner by Cornwall Council and the bus companies.“

She continued: “As a councillor, but also a member of the community of Padstow, I and my fellow councillors consider a comprehensive review of Padstow and its bus service infrastructure, involving input from, and consultation with all relevant stakeholders, to better service its users and residents is needed. Padstow has grown so much and continues to grow, yet our infrastructure hasn’t caught up.

“I ask that our community please do bear with us — we want what is best and safe. Cornwall Council still has a duty to deliver a reliable, efficient, safe and inclusive service for our town. The town council remains willing to fully engage in this process to see what improvements can be achieved for the benefit of the entire town and continues to wait for a response from the cabinet member for transport, Cllr Donnithorne as to how a mutually acceptable solution can be put in place.”