A COMMUNITY group raising money to help stop cancer in its tracks has celebrated its 70th year with another successful fundraising event, raising more than a thousand pounds.

St Minver Cancer Research Fund, which launched in 1955 holds two fundraising events a year in March and October seeking to raise money to donate to Cancer Research UK.

Cancer Research UK is a national charity that provides funding for research into treatments and cures from cancer, and was formed in 2002 after the merger of the Cancer Research Campaign and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund.

At their latest event, held at the start of March at the Rock Institute, the 17-strong committee managed to raise £1,100 for the charity from their jumble sale and almost matches the funds raised from last year’s two events, a total of £1,200.

The next jumble sale event, also to be held at the Rock Institute, will take place in early October.

A spokesperson for the cancer research fund raising committee said: “The St Minver Cancer Research Fund Raising Committee is now in its 70th year. Cancer Research UK is the largest cancer research organisation. It was formed in 2002 by the merger of The Cancer Research Campaign and The Imperial Cancer Research Fund.

“We are a committee of 17 members with a combined tally of over 300 years dedicated service. Last year we were able to send £1,200 to Cancer Research UK headquarters. All money taken at our events goes directly to support research in all cancers. Amongst our fund raising activities are our two annual jumble sales.

“They are always held on the first Saturdays of March and October in The Rock Institute. This year's event, on the March 1, raised just over £1,100.”