SENSORY story bags, designed to engage people with sensory needs, are now available to borrow from Cornwall’s libraries.

Cornwall Library Service has bought a collection of sensory stories created by Joanna Grace, founder of The Sensory Projects.

Sensory stories are designed to engage people with sensory needs and use a variety of sensory props that help to bring the story to life.

The Library Service has purchased 11 different sensory stories written by Joanna which can be loaned out like a book.

The service has also created wallets containing sensory props to accompany some of the stories. These are available to use at the libraries, in school and at home.

Alternatively, library users can borrow the books and follow the instructions given to create their own props from items around the home.

Joanna Grace, founder of The Sensory Projects, said: “A sensory story is a concise narrative that partners short sentences with rich and relevant sensory stimulation.

“My stories are always resourced with stuff you would have around the house or things that are very inexpensive to purchase because I figure if you’re trying to be inclusive but you’re using things that somebody else can afford, how inclusive is that?”

Staff at Camborne Library have been telling sensory stories over the last few months.

Lotti Stapleton, manager at Camborne Library, said: “There's a couple of customers that have come in regularly for stories that can't access, for whatever reason, normal storytelling and they've really enjoyed it.

“They might not enjoy every aspect of the story but there's usually one or two elements that they will engage with and it’s really nice to see that that it's working, that they're interested in it.”

Paul Evered, Library Service Delivery Manager at Cornwall Council, said: “We’re delighted that these sensory story bags are now available to borrow from Cornwall’s libraries.”