DARTMOOR Multi Academy Trust has announced that its CEO and Trust Leader will be leaving at the end of the term.  

In a letter to parents, it was revealed that after four years in the role, Dan Morrow, will be leaving the trust and taking on a new roll as CEO of Cornwall Education Learning Trust.  

Tania Skeaping, chair of Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust Board of Trustees said: “Dan exemplifies DMAT’s mission to act as intentional civic leaders, working with and for our communities, to enable all to thrive and succeed. Dan has also championed rural schools at a national level, calling for greater support and funding to tackle issues such as the mental health crisis, food poverty and many more. As a Board of Trustees, we can only offer our personal thanks for the dedication and passion he has brought to the role and I am sure you will all join us in wishing him all the best in his next position, where he will continue to champion these same causes on behalf of the region.”  

While an appointment in the role has not yet been made, the board has expressed that it will “will continue to work closely with Dan throughout the autumn term to explore possible options in the interim. He will also be supporting Susanne and the entire senior leadership team on transition arrangements whilst the trust board finalises arrangements for January onwards.” 

The board of trustees has also reassured parents that this change “will not impact your child’s education or daily school life, and your school leaders and teachers will very much continue in their role.”  

Speaking to parents, Mr Morrow added: “It has been a real privilege to serve as Trust Leader for DMAT. Having arrived in Covid and forced to close all schools on my first day as leader, it has been a long journey of improvement and reopening. Whilst there remains much still to do, I am confident that the Trust is in good shape to truly become the vehicle for excellence at social justice that the children and communities of our part of Devon so, so richly deserve.”