RESIDENTS have been given the opportunity to have their say on the future of one of Launceston’s most popular parks.

Recently, town residents made their way to Launceston Town Hall to have their say about what they want to see at Priory Park in the north of the town.

Launceston Town Council hosted the consultation after seeking to improve the site following the damage to some play equipment as a result of anti-social behaviour.

Properties manager for Launceston Town Council, Martin Cornish told the Post: “In 2022, Launceston Town Council had to take the difficult decision to remove damaged play equipment from Priory Park due in part to anti-social behaviour. Since then we have been looking at funding streams for play park equipment. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in applications to two national funding providers.

“At the beginning of this year the council targeted the latest round of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Fund from Cornwall Council to install a fit for purpose park for the north of the town. Having made it through the expression of interest stage, we were invited to submit a full application.

“The full application process has a statutory requirement of consulting with the town and over 500 surveys were hand delivered to local residents. To ensure that we covered our target audience, we decided to host an open day for the town to come and have their say.”

As well as providing surveys, the council welcomed residents to the town hall.

Martin continued: “On Saturday, August 10, we hosted the consultation in the Town Hall. A national play park provider displayed interpretation boards that gave everyone in attendance the chance to choose what they would like to see within their park. Town councillors were on hand to engage with the community and discuss not only the park project but other council matters. I would say that during the three hour event we had over 75 attendees. There was a lot of positivity in holding the event and a clear need to return the park to its former self.”

What would you like to see introduced to Priory Park?