THE pub chain behind plans to redevelop land behind the Bettle and Chisel in Delabole has responded to concerns over its plans.

Graeme Bunn, the property and acquisitions director at Red Oak Taverns said: “The existing access is substandard in terms of width which represents a degree of unsafeness for vehicles and pedestrians using it. Our proposals have been considered to ensure that access and safety is improved.

“The site which is proposed to be redeveloped currently benefits from planning permission allowing it to be used as a campsite and for caravan pitches and therefore will result in less vehicular trips from the site as a result of the caravan pitches being removed. The proposals also involve the removal of a small element of the public house floorspace to improve access.

“The proposed development also includes physical improvements to the site access, including the creation of a ‘give way’ area within the site, just before the access becomes too narrow for two cars to pass one another. The give way signage and road markings proposed will ensure that vehicles exiting the site will stop, assess whether there is oncoming traffic, and not move off until it is safe to do so.

“We have also consulted with CrashMap – a tool which collects and maps Personal Injury Collision (PIC) data – which demonstrates that there have been no PICs in the vicinity of the site access in the past five years.

“Finally the Transport Statement submitted in support of the application confirms that adequate visibility splays of 2.4 by 43 metres can be achieved in either directly for vehicles exiting the site, confirming that, there are no visibility issues at the site entrance.

“If the property is used in line with existing planning permission, we are confident that our proposals would provide for an improved and safer position than we currently have.”