PEOPLE are being encouraged to 'make a difference' in their communities by embarking on a rewarding career with their local council.

A new campaign, 'make a difference, work for your local council', aims to inspire individuals to explore career opportunities that have a direct and lasting impact on the lives of local residents.

The campaign highlights the wide range of roles available in council services, welcoming people from all backgrounds and skill levels who are looking to begin a new role in local government. 

Torridge District Council has 151 different roles within the authority including: planning officers, grounds maintenance workers, coastal engineers, ICT infrastructure as well as digital and social media communications among the vacancies.

With over nine in ten councils experiencing recruitment and retention challenges amid growing demand for services, it aims to address workforce shortages by attracting new talent into councils.

Cllr Ken James, leader of Torridge District Council, said: "At Torridge District Council we have a wide range of exciting job roles, with every single one playing a vital role in serving the community in which we live. One of our strategic goals for the area is to create an environment that supports the development of highly skilled and well-paid jobs.

“As an employer, we are committed to nurturing local talent and looking after employees to assist them in developing their careers in whichever way we can. Our ultimate aim is to provide opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to acquire transferable skills in the workplace and improve their lives.”

Cllr Abi Brown, chairman of the LGA's Improvement and Innovation Board, said: "Hundreds of essential services are provided every day by councils and combined authorities to keep our communities running and is great way to grow a career.

"From caring for families and protecting children from harm, to ensuring your favourite takeaway or restaurant is safe and keeping our streets clean, there are a wide variety of challenging but equally rewarding roles on offer.

"Working in local government offers unparalleled opportunities to make a real difference in people's lives and there has never been more important or valued time to join."