Two weeks ago, I spoke at the inaugural Cornish Mining and Geo-Resources Alliance (CMGA) conference. Many the great and the good of the industry were there.

There was so much positivity and focus on how Cornwall can play a key role in the new green economy. Crucially, Government needs to play its part in unleashing the Cornish Tiger too.

I described in the Commons last week the triple benefits of investing in Cornish renewables and critical minerals: firstly, it helps the UK economy transition away from fossil-fuel use; secondly, it builds energy security by minimising reliance on despots like Putin, who can control wholesale gas prices and therefore UK heating bills; and thirdly if we get the investment right we create thousands in new, well-paid, secure jobs for British workers.

So, here’s ten reasons why Cornwall needs to stand proudly and speak confidently about why this is a great place for investment in this sector:

1. At South Crofty, we have highest grade unmined tin deposits in the world. Tin is vital for the transition to the new green economy as it’s used in virtually every single electrical device we use, as well as the production of solar panels.

2. We also have vast natural deposits of lithium and tungsten across Cornwall. Lithium often gets all the headlines but deposits of tungsten in and around the Callington area are also hugely significant.

3. Camborne School of Mines in the UKs only dedicated mining college. As well as being a key custodial of our rich mining heritage, it is also providing the vital skills for training the industry professionals of the future.

4. UK’s first deep geothermal power plant is now operational at United Downs, a vital element of the UK’s green energy transformation.

5. Literally just around the corner is Kensa, UKs No 1 geothermal heat source pump company, installing network heat pumps across the country.

6. To the north, our coastline is the closest land mass to most of Celtic Sea floating offshore wind (FLOW) areas. This sector has the potential to produce 16GW of energy for tens of thousands of UK households and businesses, but also hundreds of local jobs in operation and maintenance of the wind turbines.

7. Inyanga, another ‘best-kept-secret’, based on Penryn, offers world-leading hydro-wing tidal technology that’s already used throughout the world.

8. Cornwall is home to the UKs highest number of certified renewable energy installations, from local, community projects to multi-million pound installations, we lead the way.

9. Sometimes controversial but Cornwall has the second highest solar capacity, yet another core part of the energy transition and I was delighted to see hospitals across Cornwall getting support from GB Energy to put solar panels on their buildings.

10. There are to more Top 100 Climate scientists based at our Universities than anywhere else in world. This week I am speaking at the Anthropy conference at the Eden Project where I will be continuing to bang the drum for the investment needed to help us unleash the Cornish Celtic Tiger.