PLANS to cut-off the recording of public paths by 2031 have been abolished by the government.

The Open Spaces Society, Britain’s oldest national conservation body, has expressed its delight at the government’s Boxing Day announcement that it intends to abolish the 2031 cut-off for recording public paths.

Kate Ashbrook, the society’s general secretary said: “This news is extremely welcome, as thousands of unrecorded paths will be saved from extinction. We are delighted that the government is now demonstrating its commitment to our crucially important rights-of-way network.

“Ministers must urgently find parliamentary time to bring this repeal into effect, thereby freeing those unrecorded paths for future use and enjoyment, for recreation, health, and well-being.”

With other path-user groups, the Open Spaces Society has pressed for the repeal of the deadline which, for 24 years, has threatened the country’s unique path-network.

The deadline means that on January 1, 2031, public rights over thousands of paths, which are public highways but not yet recorded as such, or not yet recorded correctly, will be extinguished, with those rights being lost for ever. If a way is not recorded on the definitive map and statement of rights of way, it can disappear under development.

Users have been frantically researching the historic evidence to claim paths, but there is no way that they can research them all before the deadline. The county and unitary authorities, which have a duty to process the applications, do not have sufficient resources and so the backlog of claims is growing.

Kate Ashbrook continued: “The authorities must be resourced so that they can process the applications to add paths to the maps. Too many routes hang in limbo, waiting to be recorded on the maps.

“We are relieved that the government intends to take this important step to safeguard our vital paths.”