The pre-application advice enquiry has been submitted by planning agents Oneleven Property Ltd on behalf of the landowner, Mr D Perry.
If the plans progress to a full planning application, it is proposed that all of the properties on the 3.7-hectare site would be priced as ‘affordable’ homes, meaning they are sold and rented at a lower than market value, typically 20 per cent cheaper. Affordable homes are sometimes known as ‘intermediate’ homes for their pricing sits between ‘social homes’, often provided by local authorities or housing associations (better known as council houses), and ‘open market’ properties where there is no discount on the ‘market rate’.
The majority of schemes approved have to have an element of housing for affordable purchase or rent, typically around 30 per cent, although this development, according to its developers would solely comprise of affordable housing.
The planning agent for the developer told Cornwall Council: “The site comprises two separate fields, delineated by hedgerows totalling approximately 3.7 hectares. The land is located to the west of Launceston and directly to the north of the recent housing development at Chapel Gate. The EA’s online flood map for planning confirms that the site is located within flood zone one. The site is located outside the settlement boundary of Launceston where, according to the Cornwall Local Plan, the delivery of 1,800 dwellings is targeted.
“The attached layout plan illustrates how a development of 100 new homes could be accommodated on site. Vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access would be provided at the eastern boundary via Long Meadow. An area of public open space is provided in the southwest corner of the site.
“Existing hedgerows bordering the site would be retained although some loss would occur to link the two existing fields. Following initial discussions with Richard Hawkey, the Council’s Principal Affordable Housing Officer, the intention is to provide all of the new homes (100 percent) as affordable housing to meet the needs of the area.
“We therefore presume that the scheme will be considered under policy nine of the Cornwall Plan and that the principle of development will be accepted particularly as Launceston is treated as a smaller town. However, we seek confirmation of this through the pre-application advice enquiry.”
Cornwall Council’s planning department will respond to Mr Perry with their views on his proposals, the likelihood of them winning approval if submitted as-is or what may need doing for the plans to be considered.
The proposals can be viewed on the Cornwall Council planning portal under reference PA24/01400/PREAPP.
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