AN APPLICATION seeking permission in principle for the residential development of up to four dwellings on land in Holsworthy has been submitted to Torridge District Council.

Moriarty and Harding has applied to the authority for the proposed residential development on land at Kingswood Meadow, Holsworthy.

A permission in principle is a type of planning application where the applicant is seeking the district council’s approval for the principle that dwellings could be built on the land.

It is not in itself a full planning application but rather more similar to the council whether it considers that the idea of up to four dwellings on the land is acceptable.

If granted, it would then be on the developer or whoever owns the land at a future date to submit an application for plans for a development which is up to the number of properties being asked for.

The applicant told Torridge District Council that the site would be accessed via Kingswood Meadow from North Road, on the A388. Previously raised concerns regarding visibility have been addressed in the application.

South West Water confirmed in its response that it was able to connect the site to its water mains and sewerage network.

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