PROPOSALS seeking a planning permission in principle for the construction of nine properties on land adjacent to Maer Lane in Bude have been submitted to Cornwall Council.
A permission in principle is a type of planning application where the applicant is seeking the district council’s approval for the principle that dwellings could be built on the land.
It is not in itself a full planning application but rather more similar to the council whether it considers that the idea of up to four dwellings on the land is acceptable.
If granted, it would then be on the developer or whoever owns the land at a future date to submit an application for plans for a development which is up to the number of properties being asked for.
The application has been made by Mr C Trewin for the land known as Land North Of Lake View Drive Lake View Drive Bude.
In a planning statement accompanying the plans, the applicant said: “This Planning Statement has been prepared in support of a Permission in Principle (PIP) application for the development of up to nine dwellings on land at Maer, Bude, Cornwall. The application is subject to the policies outlined in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (December 2024) and the Cornwall Local Plan.
“Cornwall Council is unable to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply, and in line with paragraph 11 of the NPPF, there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The principle of residential development on this site should therefore be considered positively, with regard to the specific policies that apply to sustainable settlements.
“The site is well located on the edge of Bude, offering excellent connectivity to the town centre and essential services. The following factors support the site's sustainability.
“Proximity to Local Services – The site is within walking distance of Bude town centre, providing easy access to shops, healthcare, education, and leisure facilities.
“Sustainable Transport Links – Maer Lane is an unadopted road with public vehicular access and a designated PROW (footpath), ensuring safe pedestrian and vehicular connections to the town and local transport networks. The proposal will ensure that appropriate access arrangements are made to accommodate residential use while maintaining the integrity of the existing transport routes.
“Access to Public Transport – The site has good access to the bus network, enabling connectivity to surrounding areas and reducing dependency on private vehicles.
“Leisure & Recreation – The site is near beaches and leisure facilities, supporting active and healthy lifestyles.
“Flood risk: The site is in Flood Zone 1 (low risk) and Flexbury Critical Drainage Area. The development will have to play its part in reducing current rainfall runoff rates and although this will be dealt with in later planning stages, surface water drainage hierarchy will be followed by using infiltration as far as is practicable.
“The proposal aligns with the NPPF’s emphasis on sustainable growth by making efficient use of a well-located site that benefits from existing infrastructure and public services.”
Concluding their argument in favour of building on the land, they added: “This PIP application seeks permission for up to nine dwellings at Maer, Bude, Cornwall, in a policy context where the presumption in favour of sustainable development applies. The proposal aligns with the NPPF (December 2024), which supports residential development in sustainable locations that have good access to services and transport networks.
“The presence of a PROW adjacent to the site ensures safe pedestrian connections to Bude town centre, while Maer Lane provides suitable vehicular access. The site is well located, with strong connections to the town, public transport, beaches, and leisure facilities, making it an ideal location for new residential development.
“Given its sustainability, accessibility, and contribution to local housing supply, the proposal should be considered favourably in accordance with national planning policy.”
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