OUTLINE planning permission has been granted to Hawksmeadow Properties (Holsworthy) Ltd for 45 homes to be built on the Old Cattle Market site on Underlane in Holsworthy — but not everyone is happy about it.
It was previously hoped that the Cattle Market site could have been home to a Tesco superstore – however in 2014 the supermarket giant pulled out and left Holsworthy with an empty plot.
When the plans for this latest development were first submitted the town council voted against, stating its wish to see the site preserved for retail development. They said: “The Town Council, after due consideration and discussion, does not consider this site is suitable for housing and therefore the site should be safeguarded for retail development as an important site within the town in accordance with the NDTLP.”
However, they have stipulated in the s106 agreement that a contribution will be made payable to the council to be put towards the planned Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) at Stanhope Park.
There will also be a contribution towards primary education in Holsworthy and for the Ruby Way Cycle Route.
The site comprises a brownfield site, which formerly formed the northern part of the Holsworthy Cattle Market prior to its relocation to the north of Holsworthy. The southern part of the former cattle market is currently being redeveloped for residential use in accordance with permission previously granted.
The application proposes the construction of 45 dwellings following the removal of all existing buildings on the site.
The proposed two-storey dwellings of “traditional appearance” would be arranged around a single spine road that would provide access into the site from the existing roundabout on Underlane.
On site parking provision would be delivered via a mix of ‘on plot” driveways and small parking courts. An area of green space and Local Area for Play (LAP) would be provided within the south eastern portion of the site.
Reacting to the news that permission had been granted, one local resident said: “Well isn’t that fabulous, plus houses by the surgery and goodness knows where else. Doctors can’t cope now. Just hope it’s affordable housing for locals — as if!”
Another added: “More AirBnB houses or holiday homes or affordable for no-one who lives here!”
What do you think of the planned new development, write to use at [email protected]