TWENTY-one-year-old Hannah Lavell, from Highampton, has been chosen to carry the Olympic Torch on Monday, May 21.

Hannah, who has lived at Burdon Grange Care home in Highampton since her 18th birthday, is to carry the flame through Ilfracombe. She is amongst a group of eight other people who have been chosen for the Illfracombe leg of the journey, which is due to start shortly after midday.

Hannah, who has Cerebral palsy, was nominated for this honour by the Matron of the care home, Janice Sowden. Hannah, who is a full time wheelchair user is fiercely independent and as mobile as possible within her specially adapted electric wheelchair.

She works three days a week at Halwill Primary School as a teaching assistant and attends Petroc College every other week. Hannah has recently completed her NVQ 2 and is now working her way through her diploma.

For a report from the torchbearers in the region, and a round up of the area news and sport, please see this week's edition of the 'Post'.