FOLLOWING her re-election at the town’s recent Mayor Choosing Ceremony, mayor of Launceston, Cllr Helen Bailey has laid out some of her hopes for her second term in the role.

Speaking to the Post, Cllr Bailey has presented some of her hopes for the town during the coming year. Having already served in the role for the last 12 months, Cllr Bailey hopes to continue many of the projects which have been kickstarted during her mayorship.

Cllr Bailey also touched on he enjoyment in the role thus far.

She said: “The support of my fellow councillors makes me feel very honoured to serve a second term as mayor. I, along with the deputy mayor Cllr Nicola Gilbert, will endeavour to promote our town throughout Cornwall and further afield, work hard to ensure we achieve the priorities set and to support the very hard-working staff.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed the first term and along with the deputy mayor and our consorts we have supported so many events and organisations. We are very lucky to have so many voluntary organisations and community groups that make a difference, that include, encourage and develop friendships in our town.

“We have received the exciting news that planning permission has been granted for the skate park, staff are now liaising with the Betong Park to be able to see when the build can be started and fit in with their work schedule. 

“The new library hub consultation process is underway, the new hub will be a while till it is open, it will be at the heart of the town at its centre. 

“Lawrence House works continue, the outside work is now complete and development plans for the inside are now underway.

“There are also other projects underway and one of them is in the very early stages, to bring the railway back to Launceston.  This will be a long process and we have had great support so far from members of the public and some local businesses, please come along to the council stand at Launceston Show to help us get started.  Your opinion and support is needed to move this forward to put together our business case.”

Finally, Cllr Bailey has also invited residents to give their thoughts regarding council projects.

She said: “The support of the residents is appreciated, we hold ‘councillor surgeries’ in the library on the second Saturday of each month.  There is a different display of works or projects each month and councillors to discuss concerns or topics you wish to bring to our attention.  We look forward to hearing what we do well, what could be done better and any ideas you think the council could work on to improve things for our residents.”