LOCALS are angry after a famous Cornish beach known for wild parties has been covered with large boulders - to "protect the environment for future generations", writes Isobel Williams.

Polzeath Beach in Cornwall has introduced new measures after being plagued by wild raves and cars parking on the sand.

Cornwall Council made the decision to make the seaside car park smaller, using boulders as boundary markers, to allow for a stream which has changed its course.

In a Facebook post the Polzeath Beach Ranger Service stated that they believe the new measures will help protect the environment for future generations.

The post said: "The boulders are in! The carpark has new boundary markers.

"There are two emergency access points which will be continually coned and signed.

''If anyone sees that the cones have been moved and not put back, please help by putting them back in place. Access to the beach for the RNLI, HM Coastguard, and Paramedics is crucial.

"Thanks in advance!"

The comments section of the announcement post has since been flooded with hate comments, with many saying that the boulders look ugly and have ruined their beloved beach.

One user wrote: "What a shame. Looks terrible.

"Would be better to get rid of the beach car park altogether and let it be a beach but alas Cornwall Council are far too greedy to give up that income…"

Another added: "I totally agree, our beautiful Polzeath ruined forever."

The Polzeath Beach Rangers, however, stick by their decision and have clapped back at users sending hate about the new measures.

A representative commented: "I think it looks better than it did!?

"Jagged, rotting posts with old signs on and concrete showing at the base? Cornwall Council are making it smaller, so I don't think it's greed. And maybe it will be a beach again in a few short years.

"It's been a carpark for nearly 100 years, but we're trying to find a modern balance between providing facilities for visitors, and protecting the environment for future generations.

"Watch this space. Everything takes time, but a few positive steps are being taken."

Many users also brought up the issue of England's stormy weather playing havoc on the boulder boarder, with one user stating: "Interesting, how long before a storm plays roll the dice with them?"

In response the rangers say they have a tested method of moving the rocks back where they belong.

A representative commented: "The storms will move them - fact. We get a tractor and move them back. It'll only happen a couple of times a year, which is manageable.

"The posts, which were also ripped out by the surging waves, had to be dug back in with a load of concrete poured around the base. This was more costly, time consuming, and damaging to the environment.

"Whatever is put there will be moved. Nature wins. Best to let it be moved, and then move it back."