AN organisation at the centre of the community is celebrating the anniversary of its historic past.

The Gateway Centre in Launceston has been in the heart of the community for the past 11 years. However, its official name, Madford House, has recently celebrated its 60th birthday. On August 27, 1964, Madford House was opened by Sir James Scott-Hopkins, the MP for North Cornwall at the time.  

Pastor Kevin Pickup invited Jenny Smith, Sir Scott-Hopkins daughter, and Launceston’s Cllr John Conway, who worked in the building for 34 years, together to remember the opening of the building 60 years ago.

Jenny said: “I am delighted that my father is remembered for his part in opening this building. It is testament to what he did for the community. He would be pleased that the sign is still here, that the building is still being used and what it is currently being used for.”

Madford House was built by Launceston Urban District Council to keep the Tax Office in Launceston. They had used the previous building onsite as the office space but there was discussions of relocating the Tax Office to Tavistock. The new building ensured that it became a hub in North Cornwall for tax related matters. It was built to last for 50 years. However, it is still going strong and the building is now owned by Cornwall Council. Gateway Church say it is currently completing the paperwork for a new lease of 15 years.

Cllr Conway, who first started in the building in 1974 as a ‘Tax Officer High Grade’ and left in 2008 as an Inspector, said: “At its height, we employed 92 people in the building. The Tax Office was a major employer in the town. It helped keep the town going. It is great to see the building being used as a community project today. It is now light, airy, more modern and is changing with the times. It is great that the work will continue for the next 15 years at least.”

If anybody has any photographs of the buildings opening in 1964, Pastor Kevin would be keen to see them. Email: [email protected]