A SPORTS group based in Launceston has gotten creative to raise money to repair some of its vital equipment and support Cornwall Air Ambulance in the process. 

Adam Baker, treasurer of Launceston Tennis Club, presented Julia Jefferies of the Cornwall Air Ambulance with a cheque for £567.25 being a share of the proceeds of the recent sponsored walk and sponsored junior 12-hour marathon organised by the club. 

As well as funds for Cornwall Air Ambulance, the group also aimed to raise funds for an important piece of club equipment. 

A club spokesperson explained: “The floodlight halogen bulbs were failing and as these are becoming difficult to source the club decided to invest in new LED lights and fittings – a great expense but would be more environmentally friendly and economical in the future.” 

Despite applying for a number of grants, there was still a shortfall a extra funds were needed, as such, a sponsored walk from Burrator to Princetown and back via Sheepstor, some 33km, was organised. 

The spokesperson continued: “Members of the club could walk as far as they were able, to be part of the team  - the youngest member walking 10km to the fitter players who completed the walk. 

As well as this, the club’s juniors hosted a 12-hour tennis marathon – on one of the hottest day of the year. 

THey explained: “Starting at 8am with Isaac and Owen playing singles, with Finlay and Mary joining in shortly afterwards, the day saw other juniors join in and various competitions were held so that at least two juniors were playing at all times . 

“Many club players came along during the day to support the youngsters.  During the final hour there was a parent and child “top court” doubles competition which kept the competitive edge going right up until 8pm.  

“The sponsorship money received was shared between the club for the floodlights and the Cornwall Air Ambulance – the amount received by the club going towards the lights for which fundraising is still ongoing.” 

An opening evening for the lights will be held shortly with supporters being invited to attend.