THIS week, I’d like to focus my space here on one issue in particular that constituents have been getting in touch about time and time again these last few weeks. It’s an issue close to my heart, and one that affects a large number of people here in North Cornwall. As many of you might guess, I’m talking about Labour’s plan to scrap the Winter Fuel Allowance. 

I’ve been very vocal on this subject so far, and was among one of the first MPs to come out against and condemn the plans. I hear from pensioners across the constituency every day who are alarmingly worried about losing this vital support - and with energy bills on the rise, the prospect of facing a cold winter, without the £300 winter fuel payment, is looking like an anxious reality for thousands in our community. 

Specifically, just over 22,000 pensioners in North Cornwall stand to lose this crucial payment support come winter time. This number represents those who don’t receive pension credit and would be left without this help to cover their heating costs. I find it deeply troubling that so many of our elderly residents - people who have worked hard all their lives and contributed to our community for decades - are being put in this vulnerable position. It simply should not be happening. 

So what am I doing about it? Well, I’m backing a motion in Parliament to block these plans and protect our pensioners. The motion, supported by all 72 of us Liberal Democrat MPs, aims to restore the Winter Fuel Payments to those who need them most. It’s set to be tabled as soon as Parliament returns, and I will be doing everything in my power to ensure it passes. 

It’ll do a lot of good for quite literally millions across the country who will otherwise face worry, angst, and uncertainty this winter if the government’s plans are allowed to pass through Parliament. Real people, friends, neighbours and relatives, will be the most affected. Many of them will have to choose between heating their homes, or buying food this winter. This, in my view, simply cannot become a reality - especially in the world’s 6th largest economy. 

I fully understand that the new government is grappling with the economic challenges left behind by the previous Tory misrule. However, I firmly believe that cutting support for the most vulnerable is just not the right answer. A rethink is urgently needed to ensure that those in our community who depend on this payment are not - quite literally - left out in the cold in a few months time. 

As your MP, I want to reassure all that I am fully committed to standing up for the people of North Cornwall. Today, it’s fighting to protect Winter Fuel Payments - but tomorrow, it could be pushing for better health services, SEN provision, or something else entirely. I will, however, always ensure that your voices are heard in Westminster. I’ll continue to work tirelessly on your behalf, and thank everyone for their continued support and patience while I get stuck into the job.