CHRISTMAS cheer was all around in Launceston on Friday (December 1), as residents packed the square for the town’s Christmas lights switch on.

With stalls selling freshly-cooked food hoping to warm visitors on an otherwise chilly evening, local businesses opening stalls selling potential Christmas gifts, and performers entertaining the masses before a parade lit up the streets — it was certainly a jam packed evening of festive fun.

School children displayed handmade lanterns, and the 'Christmas angels' wowed onlookers, before finally, the guest of honour Father Christmas arrived on his sleigh and made his way through the town, accompanied by the mayor and this year’s carnival queen. 

Once they have arrived in the square the mayor, Cllr Helen Bailey, then led a countdown from ten and carnival queen Jessica Heywood and her attendant Rafaela Holden pushed the plunger, lighting up the town.