RESIDENTS in Holsworthy will get a chance for a real-life ‘Meet and Bleat’ as a week of goat themed events prepares to get underway.

It is organised and subsidised by Libraries Unlimited, the charity which runs 54 libraries across Devon.

A performance of the acclaimed ‘Goat Show’ by Running Dog Theatre CIC will be accompanied by fun activities for all the family.

This includes goat themed craft on March 19 at Holsworthy Youth Club, storytelling sessions and other family activities Holsworthy Library on March 20, a goat themed village quiz at the White Hart on March 20 and culminating with a ‘meet and bleat’ with real goats on March 22 at the Holsworthy Memorial Hall car park and a performance of the Goat Show inside.

Joshua Lucas, Artistic Director of Running Dog Theatre CIC said: “There’s nothing more stubborn than a goat that won’t move! The Goat Show delivers all the personality and fun of our horned and hooved favourites – I’m not kid-ding!

“When we’re working with a community we love finding ways to genuinely connect with people. Given how libraries so often form a central point of connection for community members we knew that this would be a brilliant opportunity to partner with Holsworthy library to deliver the project. You’d be maaaa-d to miss it!”

Rae Hoole, Creative Communities Producer at Libraries Unlimited said: “This show and the week of wraparound activities promises to be fantastic fun for children and their parents. Goats have such incredible personalities which are often overlooked. Running Dog Theatre are clearly goat-lovers as they’ve animated goats in original ways to bring them into people’s hearts.

“Our local library in Holsworthy is a much-loved and very popular community hub and we’re pulling out the stops to put on a range of goat-themed events which are sure to bring joy to all as spring gets closer!”