BRIDGERULE has been a hive of activity recently as the town enjoyed its annual Revel.  

Each year, the community comes together for a week of entertainment in the summer sunshine and this year’s was no different.  

As part of 2024’s entertainment, the annual ‘Flower, Vegetable and Craft Show’ took to the stage.  

The event was held in the village hall on Tuesday, July 30, and received a huge 118 entries, not including Bridgerule Primary School's many talented entries which included painting and pottery.

The judge for the vegetable section, Mr Tape, expressed that it had been a difficult start this year for vegetable growing but there was still a nice selection of vegetable entries.   

A variety of impressive embroidery, chocolate sponge cakes, paintings, photographs and flower arrangements kept people's interest in the afternoon when the hall opened for both viewing of items and to partake in a cream tea, supplied by Sheila Cholwill and Audrey Bewes.

A star of the show was Chris Hitchings, as he won two show cups for his vegetables and for the highest number of points. Congratulations also went to Florence Harris who won the junior trophy and June Rogers who won the craft cup.

A spokesperson from the event added: "Many thanks to everyone who helped, to the five judges who do sterling work, and also to those who took part, we hope it encourages people to enter next year. Bridgerule really has got talent.” 

This wasn’t all to be enjoyed this revel week, as other events included a ‘Car Treasure Hunt’, a family quiz night, a skittles tournament, a prize bingo and the popular ramble where walkers return to the village hall for a BBQ, drinks and there were several stalls to look round.  

Rose Hitchings, one of the event’s organisers, explained: “Our new village shop is proving to be a real success. Not only is the shop area so useful but residents can buy coffee and sit at tables for a natter - such a good way to meet people. Situated near the village hall there is plenty of room to park cars - do hope all villagers will pay it a visit being so convenient  and of course our lovely shop saves both petrol and time. 

“Many congratulation go to our Sheila Cholwill who has been awarded a British Empire Medal for services to Children's Hospice South West and for the many things she does for the village and its people.  

“Well done Sheila - we are so proud of you and so grateful for what you do. Sheila will receive her medal from the Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall or Devon and later in the year attend a Garden Party at the Palace. Posh dress and hat needed Sheila.”