FOR the 2023/24 season, Lanhydrock Golf Club Captain, Bryan Hancock chose Guide Dogs as their charity of the year and was pleased to donate a huge sum recently.

They hoped to raise at least £5,000 for a charity that is close to their hearts. The club smashed their target, raising £6,684.69.

This total means they will be able to name a future life-changer guide dog puppy. Naming a puppy is an opportunity for the public to give a guide dog something totally unique – their name. Bryan is looking to name the pup Meg if it’s a girl or Brewster if it’s a boy (in memory of dogs they have had in his family).

This donation will help continue the work Guide Dogs does in the local area to support people who are blind or partially sighted. The efforts to raise the funds is an incredible achievement.

Bryan said: “Lots of people at the golf club wanted to support Guide Dogs. I also contacted local companies such as Yeoman’s Skoda and Pilgrim Foods and secured good sponsorships from them. I was then able to organise a charity day in the summer and quizzes during the winter. It was a great deal of hard work but it was very enjoyable! There was a real community push to reach the target. It’ll be so rewarding when we get to officially name the puppy, knowing it will be going on to help change someone’s life.” The puppy will certainly be a heartwarming reminder of how the donation will positively impact those living with sight loss.

Pam Gratton, community fundraising manager at Guide Dogs, said: “We’re incredibly grateful to Bryan and Lanhydrock Hotel and Golf Club for choosing to support Guide Dogs, and for raising such a tremendous amount.

“The money raised will make a significant difference to the people we support in the local area. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone involved.”

To find out more about fundraising for Guide Dogs, visit