THE Stoke Climsland based charity The Rivers Trust has been marketing three ‘toxic dip’ bath bombs to highlight the plight of UK rivers.

They say the fake ‘bath bombs’ are inspired by the UK’s contaminated rivers with the Tainted Tamar ingredients including arsenic, chlorothalonil, agricultural runoff, mining waste and raw sewage.

The toxic dips cost £300,000 per set; just 0.005 per cent of the estimated amount by the trust being invested to clean up rivers in the next five years.

Instead of buying the toxic bath bombs however, the trust is calling for donations of £5, the cost of a real bath bomb, to support their work fighting for healthy rivers.

Emma Brisdion, marketing and campaigns lead, said: “We don’t expect anyone to actually buy these bath bombs, but we do hope they bring attention to the true extent and cost of UK river pollution. 

“With open water swimming and other water sports growing in popularity, and an increasing awareness of the link between nature and wellbeing, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that our waterways are pollution-free for everyone to safely enjoy. 

“We want to educate people about the steps they can take to protect our rivers.”