Residents are being asked for their views on a draft policy which aims to improve housing quality across Cornwall and support people to live in their homes for longer. 

It comes as Cornwall Council seek residents opinions on the help they require to adapt and repair their homes.

A range of support could be offered as part of the housing assistance policy, with the Council’s housing chief saying that poor housing conditions can have an impact on health and wellbeing.

The draft Housing Assistance Policy sets out the Council’s role in improving housing conditions and supporting residents in need with adaptations or repairs to their home. This can include providing loans and grants, as well as advice and support.   

Olly Monk, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for housing, said: “Poor housing conditions can have wide-ranging impacts on health and wellbeing as well as making homes harder to heat and more expensive to run.   

“As well as the personal impact, this can also put increased demand on Council and NHS services. This policy aims to bring together ways of addressing some of the current challenges, such as damp and mould, with improved assistance around adaptations, renovations, energy efficiency and disrepair and retrofit.”  

A spokesperson added: “Good quality housing is crucial for the health and wellbeing of our residents.

“Local Authorities have the power to introduce policies for improving housing quality. This includes assisting residents with adaptations, repairs and improvements within their homes. Assistance can be financial or information and advice services.

“Cornwall Council is reviewing and combining its policies on adaptations and housing quality. This will introduce a single Housing Assistance Policy. This policy explains how Cornwall Council and its partners can help residents to repair, improve or adapt their home.

“The Housing Assistance Policy can help reduce the health impacts of a poor home environment, maximise independence and help to prevent or delay the need for care and support by providing adaptations for disabled and older people, we can help them live safely and independently in their homes and by assisting eligible residents to make improvements to their homes that will support good health. This includes removing hazards and improving energy efficiency.

“We have prepared a draft version of a Housing Assistance Policy for Cornwall. We are seeking your views.

“You can provide your feedback by completing the survey below by 23:59 on Sunday November 10 2024.

“We will look at all the responses received and use your feedback to develop a final version of the Policy. We will add the consultation response reports to this page once the consultation has ended.”

The consultation can be viewed at