AN application for a farm worker dwelling near Wadebridge has been given conditional planning permission by Cornwall Council.

Mr and Mrs Harris applied to construct the dwelling on land northwest of Greystones, Rooke Road, Chapel Amble, Wadebridge.

In the application, they told Cornwall Council: “The proposed application seeks permission for an agricultural farm worker dwelling at Higher Amble, Chapel Amble, immediately adjacent to stock sheds on the same site. The proposal is supported by an agricultural appraisal compiled by Lodge & Thomas which details the existing farm business and the wider need for an agricultural dwelling in this location.

“The proposed dwelling will provide family accommodation for Mr & Mrs Harris who work the farm. Mr Harris is the principal farm worker and requires accommodation on site as to be able to sustainably conduct the day to day running of the business.

St Kew Parish Council supported the application, although the chief land agent and valuer said they did not support the application. Natural England said that they had no objection.

However, in the view of Cornwall Council, the concerns raised were not sufficient to not approve the application.

The officer charged with assessing the application noted: “The proposal has been recommended for approval because it is considered that the development proposal accords with the said policies and there are no other overriding material considerations, which justify refusing planning permission.

“Taking these factors into account, on balance it is considered that the proposal is acceptable, subject to conditions. All other matters raised have been taken into account, but none is of such significance as to outweigh the considerations that have led to the conclusion.”

It was approved subject to a number of conditions.

This included: “The occupation of the dwelling hereby approved shall be limited to a person solely or mainly working, or last working, in the locality in agriculture as defined by section 336 (1) of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act (as amended) or in forestry, or a widow or widower of such a person, and to any resident dependants.

“Reason: To ensure that the dwelling is kept available for meeting the need to accommodate an agricultural worker on a site where residential development would not normally be permitted and in accordance with the aims and intentions of policy 7 of the Cornwall Local Plan and paragraph 84 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023.”

Additional conditions also sought to protect protected species, and the planting of a new Cornish stone hedge in the interests of visual and residential amenity and in accordance with the aims and intentions of the Cornwall Local Plan. Further, a garage as part of the plans is also permitted only for use by the dwelling house proposed.