NEW research has revealed Cornwall ranks amongst the worst areas for energy-efficient homes in the country.
Home improvement specialists Eurocell have analysed national Energy Performance Certificate data to identify regions most in need of urgent efficiency upgrades.
Of the 289,443 homes that formed the research, top of the list is Eden in Cumbria, where 17.73% of homes in Bands F&G come out as the least energy-efficient. Next is West Devon (15.83%), Ryedale, North Yorkshire (15.04%) with Cornwall fourth on the list with a figure of 14.91%. Completing the top five is Torridge in North Devon on 14.22%.
The latest report says Cornwall is renowned for its natural beauty, such as coastal towns and moors, but faces challenges with an ageing housing stock. Many homes are traditional stone cottages, battered by coastal winds and often built before modern insulation standards existed.
These properties are notoriously inefficient at retaining heat, leaving residents with steep energy bills and cold winters.
How to improve your EPC rating:
- Upgrade of energy-efficient PVC windows
- Seal any gaps to block any draughts
- Invest in energy-efficient doors
- Add to or upgrade your insulation
- Consider renewable energy sources
Beth Boulton, marketing director at Eurocell, said: “To meet the UK’s climate targets, almost all homes will need to be energy efficient by 2050, so the fact 56% of English homes are currently below average comes as quite a shock. With energy bills continuing to rise, urgent action is needed to address the impact of inefficient housing.
“Thankfully, there are practical steps homeowners can take to improve their energy efficiency. Simple upgrades such as installing modern UPVC windows, sealing droughts or adding insulation can make a huge difference.”
Another key finding from the research is nationwide, fewer than 0.3% of homes have achieved a coveted A EPC rating.