A CORNWALL councillor has been suspended from the Conservative Party.

Launceston South division Cornwall councillor John Conway — who is also a Launceston town councillor — released a statement prior to the announcement stating “I do not expect to be a member of the Conservative group on July 23” following recent developments within the North Cornwall Conservatives.

Cllr Conway said: “On Tuesday, July 9, at 10.28pm I received the following WhatsApp message “John very happy to take your resignation letter from the group”.

“At 11.18am on July 10 I was removed from the Conservative WhatsApp groups. 

“On July 10, at 10.19pm I received a notice of suspension from the group stating the reasons as Conservative Group rules numbers 7 to 13.14 inclusive.  

“There was no indication as to which rules were applicable and how or whether or when they had been transgressed. As a result of the suspension “you will be removed  from all Conservative held seats on Cornwall Council overview and scrutiny committee and any other Boards/panels that you sit on”. 

“I was subsequently advised that this also referred to the Appeals Committee which clearly was not included in the original notice. The matter will be determined by a group meeting on July 22 at 5.30pm.  

“I do not expect to be a member of the Conservative group on July 23.” 

The Conservative group have since released a statement regarding Cllr John Conway’s decision to leave Conservative group on Cornwall Council

Conservative group leader, Cllr Linda Taylor, said: “I am disappointed that Cllr John Conway’s values no longer align with the Conservative Group, and that he has chosen to leave our Group. It will be for the people of his division, who elected him as a Conservative, under our Cornwall Conservative Manifesto, to judge him accordingly come the next local elections.”