Cornwall Council are starting work on the formative stage of a new Cornwall Local Plan which will provide a positive and flexible planning policy framework for Cornwall up to 2050.

The current plan covers the period up to 2030 and is the main document used to manage development in the county. 

As the new plan develops, the council are launching a ‘call for sites’ which will highlight what land may be available for them to plan growth on.

Thanks to the unique character of Cornwall, the development of IT and related technology across the region, the strong draw of tourism, and ongoing improvement to transport links and the agricultural economy, the county is an increasingly popular choice for both business and residential growth. 

This growth will bring exciting opportunities to businesses, landowners, and residents. 

Any challenges about how this growth is managed, and potential impact that it may cause, will be addressed. 

In particular, for a development to achieve more than simple offsetting of impacts, there is a need for the council to collaborate closely with property owners to ensure that ‘net gain’ in a number of areas can be secured.

Alister Smith, head of Stags planning services, said: “Now is a very exciting time for landowners and businesses, as getting involved at the very start of the plan making process gives the greatest opportunity to have your voice heard. 

“All too often an opportunity is missed as steps are not taken early enough and in particular, given the need for increasingly ‘joined up thinking’, it is ever more important for property owners to be involved to ensure development is planned for effectively.”

It is the intention of the council to launch a ‘call for sites’ in late January and, as highlighted above, the results of this will inform the councils as to what land may be available for them to plan growth on as the new plan develops.  

This call for sites will look at potential locations across the county for all forms of development, including land for related activities such as biodiversity net gain.  

However, the council have asked that sites only be put forward where they are over 0.25 hectares (or suitable for five houses or at minimum 500sqm of employment land) and the location is in, or next to, a settlement or is otherwise sustainable i.e. has bus or other public transport links. 

To find out more, or discuss putting land into the ‘call for sites’, contact Stags Planning Services on 01392 439046, [email protected] or visit