South Petherwin
Methodist Church
The chapel had been beautifully decorated for the festive season, with window decorations, an Advent ring and a handmade Nativity scene donated by the late Vicki France.
On Friday, December 20, the chapel was full to capacity when South Petherwin Primary School held their Christingle service on the last day of term, led by headmaster Matt Avery.
Rev John Haley gave a Christmas message and this was complimented by the delightful items given by the pupils. They also explained about the meaning of Christingle. These were then lit during the singing of their final item, ‘Away in a Manger’ which was sung beautifully and during which a collection was taken in support of Children’s Hospice South West.
On a very blustery Sunday morning, December 22, a carol service was held, led by ministry coordinator and north area mission lead Deacon Ruth Richey who was welcomed by Mary Stoneman, who also read the notices and was the organist for all the services.
The Advent candles were lit by Tony Stephens during which Deacon Ruth read an Advent prayer. After an opening bible reading by Deacon Ruth the first Carol ‘See him lying on a bed of straw’ was sung, then following this, carols were interspersed with bible readings taken from the well known Christmas story.
The readers were Tony, Julie Barlow, Olive Stevens and Roger Parsons. The concluding carol was ‘Hark the Herald angels sing’. Donations were invited for St Petroc’s Society for the Homeless Christmas Appeal 2024 and raised a magnificent sum of £314.15. Refreshments of tea/coffee, mince pies, cream and homemade biscuits were served in the hall after the service, where there was plenty of chat and catch up with friends.
Choir of St Mary Magdalene
On Christmas Eve the choir of St Mary Magdalene sang the traditional service of nine lessons and carols directed for the first time by its new director of music Dr Sean Sweeney.
The carol service was led by new priest Rev Dr Michael Dobson also for the first time.
The service opened with “Once in royal David’s city” with the choir singing the first two verses unaccompanied with soprano soloist Amber Newton.
The choir items started with Boris Ord’s arrangement of ”Adam lay ybounden” followed by Charles Wood’s harmonisation of the Dutch carol “King Jesus hath a garden” after two readings from Genesis by Lanson Town Crier Rob Tremain and Janet Dobson respectively.
The mayor, Cllr Helen Bailey read the third reading and the manager of the V I C Ewan Murray the fourth reading, both from Isaiah foretelling the coming of the Messiah. The fifth and sixth readings were from St Luke’s gospel and read by Georgie Adams from Lanson in Bloom and Cllr John Harris from Lanson Street Pastors.
The choir sang the arrangement of “This is the truth from above” by Vaughan Williams before an arrangement of “Ding,dong merrily on high” by Mack Wilberg followed by Dr Sweeney’s arrangement of “Silent night”.
Yvonne King from Lanson Food Bank read the seventh reading also from St Luke and worship leader Don Sharpe read the eighth from St Matthew. The final two items from the choir were “Shepherd’s pipe carol” by John Rutter who also arranged “The 12 days of Christmas” as a rousing finale.
There were also four other congregational carols finishing with Mendelssohn’s stirring “Hark! The herald angels sing” after the vicar had read the final reading from St John.
The choir and congregation were accompanied by guest organist Josh Hughes who also played two voluntaries by J S Bach. his variations on “In dulci jubilo” and his toccata in F.
The choir also sang the service of Midnight Mass later that evening followed by a family service the following morning with the result that not many of St Mary’s choir had any voice left to support St Stephen’s patronal the following Sunday.
The choir will however be singing choral evensong at St Mary’s on January 5 at the usual time of 5.30pm when some epiphany carols will be sung by both choir and congregation.
St Ive
St Ive Parish Church
The Unity Methodist, United Service for the Covenant Service will be at St Ive Village Hall, on Sunday, January 12, starting 4pm. To be led by Rev Stuart Reed, with refreshments to follow. All are welcome.
Callington/St Ive
Callington and St Ive Wesley Guild
Callington and St Ive Wesley Guild met on January 6, at Callington Methodist Church, in the Guild Room. Speaker was Rev Stuart Reed with his talk 'The man behind the collar'.
Callington and St Ive Wesley Guild will hold their next meeting on January 20, starting at 7.30pm. At Callington Methodist Church, in the Guild room.This will be an 'Any Questions' evening, with an invited panel to answer what questions may come! Light refreshments at the close of the meeting.
St Melor’s Church
Monday prayer will be held in St Melor’s Church on Mondays, weekly, at 10am.
On Sunday, January 12, holy communion will be held at 11am.
The annual carol service took place at St Melor’s, Linkinhorne on Sunday, December 22, at 6.30pm when there was good attendance and greatly enjoyed by everyone. The tower bells were rung before and after the service.
The service was led by Licensed Lay Minister, Andrew Doney and the Bidding Prayer was read by Licensed Lay Minister, Gaynor Sutton. The Advent Candle was lit by Deb Drayton who also read the first lesson.
Other readers were Russ Hanson, Sophie Hughes, Robin Clowes, Richard Doney, Carol Cottam, Licensed Lay Minister Roy Cooper, Nick Sutton and the final, being the gospel by Licensed Lay Minister, Andrew Doney.
The choir sang two Christmas songs and the soloist was Annie Smith. The organists were Mark Smith and Roger Webster.
This service took place at 9.30pm and led by Licensed Lay Minister, Roy Cooper and the celebrant being the Rev Andy Atkins with Roy assisting him. Readings were given also by Roy and Judy Cooper. The Rev Atkins delivered the sermon and the collection was taken by Andrew Doney and Judy Cooper. The organist was Mark Smith.
St Paul’s Church
Informal worship will be held in St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, on Sunday, January 12, at 10am.
Rilla Mill Village Hall
The next hall committee meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9, at 7pm.
Royal Naval Association
Starting the New Year promptly on January 2, our president/chairman opened in the normal manner at 7.30am.
He introduced various items for information both recent events and near future attendance at Area 4 annual general meeting and meeting at Dorchester. A possibility of Bude branch staging the 2026 Area AGM and meeting at The Falcon for consideration.
A few apologies tendered including one s/m who was awaiting surgery later in the month. Branch finances were sound and boosted somewhat following our recent ‘Greet, Meet & Recruit’ presentation at Sainsburys. Noted that the "footfall" was much lower than previous presentations. There were various suggestions as to how to raise both presentation and awareness at future "presentations". Social fund was very healthy and to that end "volunteers" for February raffle prizes are: S/ms Diane Hodgson, Trevor Jennings, Chris Masterman, Dave Mayor, Chris Menlove-Platt and voluntary contributions.
The branch AGM will be held February 6 - 7.30pm prompt! Should you wish to submit your name for election to a branch committee officer position or supporting role, advise the honorary secretary as soon as possible. Closing date for submissions: 6pm, on January 31. Email: [email protected]
In the event of more than one candidate for a position, a vote will be taken on the night. No postal or seconded votes will be accepted. Those present on the night only will be entitled to vote.
Branch membership remained strong. Following the "Loyal Toast", meeting closed at 8.07pm.
The following auction improved our social fund once again.
Community Hall
The Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch was held on on Tuesday, December 3, in the Community Hall and was totally scrumptious.
Thank you to David and Elaine Miles, Peter and Julia Bailey and so many others who came along to help in all kind of ways. Entertainment was from St Marks Church of England Primary Academy Choir, the children were amazing, so lovely to see them and they sang so well, the Morwenstow Hand Bell ringers gave such a beautiful sound and of course to finish off the afternoon Bude Metric Brass Band filled the room with their music as we all sang along. It was lovely to see everyone. Thank you for coming!
Woodford Methodist Chapel
There were 'Carols by Candlelight' at Woodford Methodist Chapel on the evening of the second Sunday of Advent, Sunday, December 8.
Carols were led by Bude Metric Brass under the conductorship of Colin Gay. Christmas pieces were played by Morwenstow Hand Bell Ringers. Rosemary Heard led the prayers. Lessons were read by Jenny Sharp, Adrian Abbott, Jonnie and Nicola Hobbs and Rosemary Heard. Jonnie Hobbs gave a vote of thanks to all involved with the service and the evening concluded with the sharing of tea, coffee and mince pies. Special thanks to all who helped decorate the chapel from head to foot with holly, ivy and candles.
Methodist Chapel
On the third Sunday in Advent Morwenstow Methodist Chapel at Shop held its annual carol service. With a number of the regular congregation unable to attend through illness, things were rearranged slightly. John Cleave gave a warm welcome to all and the Circuit Prayer was said by all. Freda Olde performed the lighting of the third Advent Candle and led in prayer. Colin Tape was the organist for the following carols: ‘Come and join the celebration’, ‘See amid the winter snow’, ‘Cradled in a manger meanly’ and ‘See Him lying on a bed of straw’.
The prayers of adoration were led by Jennifer Vanstone and the prayers of intercession were led by Jill Johns. The lesson was read by Ken Boundy and Freda Olde read a poem about a 'Christmas Miracle'.
The Morwenstow Hand Bell Ringers conducted by Teresa Moule rendered several pieces, bringing the joy of Christmas to the service. We really couldn't have had anything better than the sound of the bells in our chapel for the carol service. The projector was operated by Stuart Ash. John Cleave gave a vote of thanks to all who had contributed to the service in any way, especially the hand bell ringers. The service was followed by refreshments including coffee, tea, cheese, biscuits, mince pies along with the usual chance to chat. Thank you to those, who, as always decorated the chapel with greenery, red and white poinsettias, red candles, the Advent Candle Wreath and the Christmas tree for all the activities held in the chapel throughout Advent and over Christmas.
Cath Paddon of Holsworthy led the service at Morwenstow Methodist Chapel at Shop on the fourth Sunday in Advent. John Cleave performed the lighting of the fourth candle on the Advent Candle Wreath.
Colin Tape was the organist for the following carols: ‘Good Christians all rejoice’, ‘It came upon a midnight clear’, ‘O little town of Bethlehem’ and ‘O come all Ye faithful’.
Lessons were read by: Terence Olde, Jennifer Vanstone and John Cleave. Cath gave short reflections following each lesson.
The Merrytones Praise Group sang: 'Mary's Boy Child'.
The projector was controlled by Stuart Ash. The service was followed by coffee and a chance to chat in the Wesley Room.
Luncheon Club
Roast Turkey was on the menu at the December Luncheon Club at Morwenstow Methodist Chapel at Shop on Wednesday, December 18.
The chapel was full for the occasion and after the turkey with all the trimmings, Christmas pudding and a large selection of other desserts, teas and coffees, there was a session of singing carols accompanied by Colin Tape on the organ and with Jennifer Vanstone controlling the projector. Terence Olde proposed a vote of thanks to all who had prepared and served the meal, as well as laying up beforehand, washing up afterwards and setting the chapel up ready for Worship the following Sunday. These things do not happen by themselves, so thanks were given to all. Proceeds were for chapel funds and North Devon and North Cornwall Samaritans.
Methodist Chapel
On the third Sunday in Advent, Sunday, December 15, at the Methodist Chapel the welcome and notices were given by Ruth Bealing and the Holy Communion service was led by Mark Shepherd with Mary Care acting as Communion Steward.
We worshipped the Lord by singing: 'O come O Come Immanuel', 'In the Darkness We Were Waiting', 'Praise the Father, Praise the Son', 'Light of the World You Stepped Down into Darkness' and 'Joy to the World'.
Later in the day, the chapel held its Christingle evening and it was well attended by families with young children as well as many of our chapel family. We created our Christingles from 4pm and refreshments were served at 5pm. This was followed by the Christingle service when light found its way from one to another and Mark Shepherd led the service, with help from the children we learnt the origins and meaning of the Christingle and sang some much-loved carols.
Rev Stephen Skinner of Woolsery led the service at the Methodist Chapel on the fourth Sunday in Advent, Sunday, December 22.
We worshipped the Lord by singing: 'In the darkness we were waiting', 'Long ago prophets knew', 'The angel Gabriel', 'What child is this', 'Great is the darkness' and 'Tell out my soul'.
There was a large congregation at Chilsworthy Chapel for the Candlelit Carol service on Christmas Eve which was led by Rev Meg Slingo.
The service commenced with Avril Glessing singing the first verse of the first carol 'Once in Royal David's City' as a solo.
Lessons and Christmas poems were read by: Lesley Coxon, Marlene Heard, Vicki Bluett, Mary Care, Mark Banks, Geoff Broome and Ros Watson.
Rev Meg gave meaningful reflections. Albert Shepherd sang 'O Holy Night' and Ruth Bealing led the prayers.
Coffee and tea with mince pies were enjoyed by all after the service.
Thank you to those responsible for decorating the chapel so fittingly for all the Advent and Christmas services.
There was a service of sharing at the chapel on Sunday, December 29, which was led by Karen Shepherd.
We worshipped the Lord by singing: 'Joy to the World', 'O little town of Bethlehem', 'In the bleak midwinter' and 'God rest you Merry Gentlemen'.
A number of the congregation shared and gave testimonies.
Organists throughout were Dionne Bere, Sandra Shepherd and Christine Tratt. Bradley Glessing played the drums at the Christmas Eve Candlelit Carol Service.
Thank you to our team of vocalists for leading the singing at all the services.
Village hall
A coffee and cake morning was held at the hall on December 6 when it was well attended.
The charity for this month was Children's Hospice South West and the sum of £215 has been sent to them. This event was followed by ‘A Soup and Sweet’ at 12.30pm and this was very well attended. The profit from this was for the hall funds. Thanks were expressed to all who supported these events throughout the year.
St Pancras Church
On Sunday, December 22, a crib service was held at St Pancras Church, this was led by Rev Alison Hardy and Liz a student priest.
Children taking part were Isaac, Sebastian , Joseph, Olivia, Maddie and Lacey. Lessons were read be Mandy Vanstone, Julia Warren, and Isaac York, Prayers of Intercession were given by Adam Revitt. Carols were sung intermittently throughout the service. The organist was Barbara Cole.