Methodist Church Hall
THE Stowford Meadow Singers sang and played to a delighted capacity audience at Holsworthy Methodist Church Hall - in aid of chapel funds.
Their varied, entertaining and thoughtful programme included some toe-tapping numbers like Old-Time Religion and Circuit-Riding Preacher, along with other sacred and gospel songs.
There were also hymns and a Bible reading and the evening was chaired by Mrs Anne Rowe.
Methodist Chapel
HEAVY downpours of rain heralded Chilsworthy Methodist Chapel Harvest Festival on Sunday, October 20.
The chapel had been decorated with corn, pampas grasses and a display of fresh fruit and vegetables at the front and as the congregation arrived, gifts of non-perishable food items filled the windows. The Chapel had been arranged for Café Style worship, with the tables also having beautiful flowers as center pieces. The preacher for the service was Christopher Andrew of Shebbear.
The singing was led by Sandra Shepherd and Christine Tratt playing keyboards, Mark Shepherd playing guitar and with Geoff Broome, Pamela Newton, Avril Glessing and Maxine Whenmouth as vocalists.
After the service there was an interim period when coffee was served before the Harvest Lunch, during which there was a Harvest word-search and a Harvest Quiz. Ruth Bealing said Grace and the hot Harvest Lunch was then served from the rear of the Chapel, including pies, casseroles, lasagnas and roast potatoes. This was followed by a huge selection of home-made desserts, teas and coffees. Rev Meg Slingo gave the vote of thanks and announced the winners of the Harvest word-search and Harvest Quiz. The non-perishable food items went to Holsworthy Food Bank the following Wednesday, where they weighed in at 43.9 Kgs. The fresh produce was placed in the Holsworthy Community Fridge. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make the Harvest Festival such a joyous celebration. It was lovely to share with all who were able to make our Harvest celebrations. A special thank you to Chris Andrew who shared God’s word so clearly with us all and to all who contributed food and/or help towards the lunch. All who came enjoyed their time together, and as a result of donations from the day, £491 was raised which will be divided equally between Any Jerrard (Rural Support Worker) and the Tearfund Sudan Appeal.
There was lots of fun had by all at the annual Light Party in Chilsworthy Methodist Chapel, held on Thursday, October 31. Crafts themed around 'Jesus is our Light' were followed by food, a short talk and songs (with 'My Lighthouse' still winning as the favourite song!). Games ended the evening with lots of smiles and laughs, particularly when hats were involved! All went home with a goody bag including the good news that Jesus is our light in the darkness, and of course plenty of sweet treats too!
A successful Quiz was held in the Village Hall on Saturday, November 2, in aid of the El Shaddai Charitable Trust (supporting street children in India). The Question Master was Ruth Bealing and Mary Care was responsible for the scores. There was a Prize raffle.
The proceeds from the Bonfire and Fireworks on Saturday, November 2, held on Chilsworthy Green and hosted by Rob and Rose Martin and friends have been kindly donated to the El Shaddai Charitable Trust (supporting street children in India). The total from the two events on the one evening now stands at £1,150. Thank you for helping to rescue children in India from deprivation and hopelessness.
Old Cornwall Society
Bude, Stratton & District Old Cornwall Society held their meeting at the Parkhouse Centre on Monday, October 28.
The chairman Alan MacIntosh opened the meeting giving information about future upcoming events of the Society.
He then welcomed the guest speaker - Adrian Wilton, whose subject was “Churchill’s Secret Army.”
In 1940 the Prime Minister Winston Churchill, recruited volunteers from the length of the country in coastal counties, and were chosen because of their knowledge of their area. This army were all civilian volunteers who were outside the ages for call-up to the regular forces, or in reserved occupations, with around three thousand, five hundred joining.
They all had to sign the Official Secrets Act, not even telling their families or friends what they were doing. There was a fifty year secrecy rule when no information was available.
The Ministry of War had a list of handwritten names of everyone who was involved .
Underground bunkers were dug, being invisible to the enemy, the men often out at night time being on the alert.
They all trained at Colehill House, which was a stately home in Oxfordshire, where they were taught the latest techniques to use explosives etc., in blowing up bridges and train stations to prevent the enemy from attacking.
The HQ of the Auxiliary Units were from 1940 until Stand- Down in 1944.
Bude’s nearest group was Bridgerule, who used Merryfield Canal Wheel Pit. Other local groups were – St. Juliot, Coads Green and Launceston, plus Liskeard St Keane and St Germans etcetera.
Adrian mentioned that his dad was in “Churchill’s Secret Army”, but nothing was ever spoken about, due to the Official Secrets Act.
They all received a blue and red badge, in the shape of a shield, which is one of Adrian’s proudest possessions.
He also mentioned that the war would have had a different outcome, had it not been for Churchill’s Secret Army.
Alan gave a vote of thanks to Adrian, for his fascinating and very interesting subject.
Den Balsdon then proceeded with the raffle, and Rose MacIntosh served the refreshments.
The next event will be a Social Evening on Monday, November 25 at 7pm, plus a Bring and Share Supper at the Parkhouse Centre.
Royal Naval Association
Promptly opening the branch November meeting at 7.30pm, the acting president/chair quoted the Exhortation in the normal manner.
Within his "Welcome" he covered various points of interest and intent. He welcomed "new Member" George O'Connor, resident Holsworthy, ex-Lt (navigator) and who subsequently was promoted to Lt Cdr within the RNR. Also joining the branch is ex-AB1 Gee Hutchens, resident Bideford, referred to us via central office. Welcome both!
Several "apologies" tendered together with declared "non-attenders". Finances were sound, even after the recent sponsored Trafalgar Night Dinner and social fund was also!
"Volunteers" for December raffle prizes identified as s/ms C Darwin, G Didwell, M Dinsdale, S Douglas, T Downie and voluntary contributions.
A 2025 "Longcast" (draft) was available to identify branch activity throughout the year, which will hopefully provide a basis for our voluntary joint social secretaries, Bob and Jean Price. Whenever they need individual branch members to step up and support them, please do so.
Area 4 election for a deputy National Council member was announced. The result of full Bude branch members will be submitted with covering letter.
It was confirmed via NCM4/Area 4 chairman, that the branch welfare/wellbeing secretary is an appointed member of the branch committee.
The meeting agreed to submit our branch widows' the customary Christmas card, £10 Morrisons token and branch letter in December.
Membership remains strong at 111, spread quite widely both across the area and nationally.
Branch annual trophies announced at Trafalgar Night Dinner were: Mick Philp Tankard — JCS Darwin; Golden Spanner Trophy — J Williams; Shipmate of the Year Fire Engine — jointly, S Cowling and J Williams.
The Loyal Toast was taken followed by a direct auction of items presented. Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm.
Subsequent conversation revolved about social meetings of various natures within Bude and Okehampton with invitations to attend.
Inner Wheel Club
On Thursday, November 7, the Inner Wheel Club of Bude held a coffee morning at the Parkhouse Centre in Bude.
Delicious home made cakes were served with the coffee and there was a book stall, a cake stall and a very successful raffle.

All proceeds from the coffee morning will be used for donations to a number of local charities at Christmas.
Bude Inner Wheel would like to thank all those who attended for their generosity which will benefit the local community.
Parish Church of St James the Great
ALL Saints Day was celebrated at the Parish Church of St James the Great on Sunday, November 3.
Kevin McGrath welcomed all and gave the notices and announced that the offerings that day would be donated to the RBL Poppy Appeal. The service was led by Rev Richard Ward-Smith and Rev Teresa Folland. Thank you to the bell-ringers for ringing out the bells prior to the service. The lessons were read by Tony Davis and Rev Folland.
The singing of hymns was led by the choir of St James the Great and our organist Luke Francis.
Rev Folland illustrated her sermon with a 'Match the Patron Saints to their causes' Quiz. She explained the reason for each one, which was both interesting and enlightening.
Rev Ward Smith pointed out the many Saints on the stained glass windows of our Church.
The offertory was taken up by Rachel Jenkins.
Holy Communion was administered by Rev Folland and Rev Ward Smith, during which the choir rendered 'The King of love my Shepherd is'.
Coffee, tea and squash were served with biscuits after the service.
Parish Church
THE Parish Church Harvest Festival Harvest Meal has been held for the first time since prior to the pandemic, but as a luncheon rather than a supper which had been always been held in the past. Fifty five people sat down to the four course meal and grateful thanks have been extended to all the people who contributed to its success. The food sponsors, all the cooks and those waiting on tables and the many people who provided desserts. Although this was not a fund-raising event, it raised a profit of £168 which was donated to charity. The meal was held on Sunday, October 13, following the service for the Blessing of Domestic Pets which was held in the Parish Church that morning.
The monthly Luncheon Club lunch for October was held at Morwenstow Methodist Chapel at Shop on Wednesday 16. Thank you as always to Rob and Dawn Leighfield and the team for a delicious lunch of Chicken in White Wine or Stuffed Mushrooms, followed by delicious desserts, teas and coffees. Proceeds were in aid of The Wave Project and Chapel funds.
St Mark's Church of England Primary Academy Harvest service was held at Morwenstow Methodist Chapel at Shop on Thursday 17th October and was led by our Methodist Minister Rev Meg Slingo. Families kindly contributed generous donations of produce for Bude Food Bank.
Woodford Methodist Chapel Harvest Festival services were held on Sunday 20th and Monday 21st October. The Chapel had been beautifully decorated for the celebrations by ladies of the Chapel and the Woodford Garden Club, who provided produce which they had grown in the Woodford Community Garden. The Sunday morning service was led by Albert Sloman of Kilkhampton and the organist was Colin Tape. On the Monday evening a good number of people sat down and enjoyed a traditional Cornish Harvest Supper of pasties, yeast splits, jam and cream and saffron buns. A short service followed, led by Barry Bryne of Stratton with Audrey Heard playing the organ. This was followed by the auction of flowers and produce which was performed by Jonnie Hobbs assisted by Megan and Alfie Souch. The auction raised over £400 for Children's Hospice South West.
Pam Colwill of Whitstone led the service at Morwenstow Methodist Chapel at Shop on Sunday 27th with the theme of the service being 'We are all called to serve God wholeheartedly'.
Colin Tape was the organist. The lesson was read by Jennifer Vanstone and the Merrytones Praise Group sang: 'No time at all'.
There was a chance to chat after the service when coffee and biscuits were served in The Wesley Room.
Floral Art Group
A standing ovation was given to Lucy Richardson, a national demonstrator and teacher for her amazing flower arrangements
produced and displayed at the Launceston floral art group at Lifton hall on Tuesday, October 29. She had traveled from a small village in the Yorkshire Dales.
The floral arrangements were so spectacular and the 60 people audience were amazed by her expertise and attention to detail.
This was her last demonstration as she is retiring and she very generously gave away all her mechanics/ sundries in the raffle.
Pat Penno gave a very sincere vote of thanks.
Further info about the club can be obtained from Jackie Harrison, chairperson, on [email protected] or Carole Budge, secretary, on [email protected]
Inner Wheel Club
Inner Wheel recently held a coffee morning at Central Methodist Church. Stalls included cakes and bric-a-brac; a raffle was also held. This event raised £113.50 which will go to the charity Man Down, which helps men with mental health.
Inner Wheel meet at Trethorne Golf Club on the fourth Monday of each month. They meet a 6pm where they enjoy a meal together with the meeting following. The members enjoy fellowship together whilst raising funds for charitable causes both locally and internationally. If you feel this is something you would like to get involved in then please email [email protected]
The next meeting is on Monday, November 25.
Lunch Club
Thirty four members of the Lezant Lunch Club were welcomed by Ken Scoble at Trebullett Hall on Wednesday, October 30.
Members enjoyed a delicious meal of steak and ale pie served with roast potatoes, carrots and cabbage, followed by apple and blackberry crumble with custard. A vegetarian alternative was available, provided by Mary Synott. The main course was prepared by Judith Scott, Ruth Burden and Marilyn Davey. The dessert was made by Carolyn Reynolds. Service was provided by Cynthia Jewell, Helen Judge, Jacky Warren, Janet Dockerty and Mary Bridger. After coffee members were entertained by a nature themed sing song led by Sheila Burt.
The Lezant Lunch Club meets on the last Wednesday of each month. To thank members of the Club for their support during the year the next lunch will take place on Wednesday, November 27, at Strawberry Fields. The cost to members will still be just £5 for two courses plus coffee. Please phone Ruth Burden on 01566 782286 to book a place, if you have not already done so.
North Hill
Parish council
North Hill Parish Council held their monthly meeting at North Hill Village Hall on November 4. One planning application was discussed in detail PA24/05961 due to concerns about the location of the potential farm shop in the field at Coads Green. Further clarification was requested as the council had previously made no objection subject to the farm shop being located at the top of the field, adjacent to the main road to the east of the main access only. Concerns were raised regarding ongoing anti social behaviour in the football field at North Hill by youngsters, it was resolved that this would be reported to the police. It was further resolved that a letter would be sent to North Hill Village Hall, updating them on the situation regarding the car parking difficulties in the village hall.
The 2025/26 budget was considered and agreed with an increase of two per cent to the precept submission. The Financial Regulations, Standing Orders and Asset Register were also reviewed and amendments made to ensure transparency. The grant application process is now open, further information and an application form can be found on the website.
The next monthly meeting is due to be held on December 2, members of the public are welcome to attend.