A COMMUNITY group are searching for local support in an effort to save one of Launceston’s most historic pubs.
On Sunday, January 12, members of the Bell Inn Community Group met with Ian Pickford via Zoom. Ian has become well known through his willingness to help other aspiring community takeovers following his success in saving the Drewe Arms, a village inn on Dartmoor.
Prior to the meeting he had been sent a list of questions centred on the group’s principle concerns. He divided these into three areas: starting up, funding, and operating the new business. The meeting proved very informative and he produced a PowerPoint presentation providing advice as to how the group could achieve its goal.
One of the most vital points was the need for a community investment charity. However, in order to use such services the group would need a membership of 300 to prove sufficient interest.
At the Drewe Arms, after purchasing the freehold, the community have already spent £100,000 on the fabric of the building, however, group members are sure that The Bell Inn should prove a much easier proposition.
A spokesperson from the group said: “We plan to hold another meeting on Friday, January 31, at the Bell Inn to discuss the formation of a management group. Do please make every effort to come along especially if you think you have any of the necessary skills to bring this venture to fruition.”
With the need for some 300 supporters, the group is urging members of the local community and further afield with an interest in preserving this real ale tavern and social hub, to email [email protected] and have their name and contact information added to the group list. They add that this implies no commitment financial or otherwise.