A GENTLEMAN who has been a serving member of Holsworthy Town Band for seven decades was presented with a certificate on Saturday.
Colston Isaac was presented with the certificate from the South West Brass Band Association for 70 years’ service to banding, the whole of that time having been spent playing with Holsworthy Town Band.
He was presented with the certificate at a concert at Holsworthy’s Memorial Hall.
Colston’s late father was approached by the band president at the time, Mr John Oke, who said Holsworthy Town Band was in need of new members, and asked whether Colston might be interested in joining.
Colston began his brass band playing in 1945 at the age of 16.
He cycled three miles each way to attend band practice with his cornet strapped on his back. At carnival time he had to cycle in to town for the afternoon procession, cycle home to do the milking, and then cycle in to play in the evening procession. This continued until he reached the age of 20.
His first cornet was provided by the band, which was a very old instrument, until eventually a better second hand cornet was purchased and passed onto Colston.
The band consisted of around eight members at the time due to the war, and they practiced once a week. Once the war was over the membership went up to 28.
Colston’s early engagements included a celebration of the war being over, and many carol concerts.
Colston has played and supported many local bands in the past, including Bude, Launceston, Northlew and St Genny’s, with various functions and engagements.
Colston has played under seven band masters over the 70 years of playing, and met many band members who have become friends from all parts of the country.
Still playing regularly under the leadership of Mr Tony Jones, and with the support of the Holsworthy members, Colston continues to enjoy the friendship the band has always provided.
On receiving the certificate, Colston was given a standing ovation from the bands and the audience for this massive achievement.