MULTIPLE members of a local lifeguarding group assisted in the rescue of four individuals struggling in rip currents. 

At approximately 7.30pm on Tuesday, July 30, several members of Bude Surf Life Saving Club (BSLSC) were involved in the rescue of four members of the public at both Crooklets and Summerleaze beaches. 

Due to pleasant conditions, Bude’s beaches remained busy after lifeguarding hours, however, two club members, who were carrying out a training session, were alerted to a surfer in difficulty on Crooklets beach. 

A spokesperson from Bude SLSC explained: “Fortunately, they (the club members) were paddling rescue boards at the time and quickly made their way over to assist.

“Whilst assisting the surfer back to shore, they spotted a second casualty making little to no headway swimming against a rip current, desperately attempting to return to shore. The casualty was assisted onto a second rescue board and paddled to safety.” 

Following this, a report was received of four further individuals in difficulty at Summerleaze, prompting other lifeguards to enter the water.

Two casualties were reported around 75 metres beyond the surf line and were being assisted by local surfers. While the two other individuals were able to make their own way back to shore.

All four casualties were advised to attend a local hospital after it was suspected they had inhaled an alarming amount of water. Contact was also made with the operations room at Falmouth Coastguard which led to the prompt launch of Bude Lifeboat. 

A club spokesperson continued: “The quick and decisive actions of our members, local surfers, Bude RNLI Lifeboat and Coastguard Rescue Team meant that all four casualties were able to return home to their families.  

“Vigilance and service is, and will continue to be at the core of who we are and what we do. The continuous hard work and dedication of our members to train, educate and better themselves in surf life saving has on this occasion made the difference. 

“As a committee we are extremely proud of the club members involved in this incident who have highlighted our core values and role within the community.”