RESIDENTS in Bude had a shock this week as they spotted something washed up on shore. 

Locals and visitors took the opportunity this week to enjoy some of the long awaited sunshine with a trip to the town’s coastline, however many received a surprise as they spotted what they thought was a whale washed ashore.  

A large black and grey object could be seen very close to the shore causing some confusion and concern among spotters. However, after getting closer the object was not as it had initially seemed.  

The whale-shaped object was actually a part of a British Divers Marine Life Rescue training exercise.  

Formed in 1988, British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR ) aims to provide support for marine life at risk across the UK coastline.  

A spokesperson from the group explained: “Every year, BDMLR trains over 1000 volunteer Marine Mammal Medics and has over 25 whale refloatation pontoons located at strategic points throughout the UK, waiting to help stranded whales and dolphins.” 

Dan Jarvis, area coordinator for Cornwall explained what it was that residents spotted during the groups training. He said: “We train new people as responders for marine mammals that might be distressed along our coastline.   

“We have a life-size pilot whale, and we get trainees to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. They learn how to use heavy duty pontoons to help re-float a whale.”