POLICE have issued a warning after reports of anti-social behaviour at a disused airfield.

Officers from Devon and Cornwall Police’s Camelford police team have said that they have been dealing with reports involving people driving vehicles in an ‘anti-social manner’ at the airfield, which was used as a ‘Formula One’ race track in the mid-1950s.

The anti-social behaviour has led to police issuing reassurance to residents and a warning to perpetrators that they will be increasing patrols at the site, which has also been the site of illegal raves in recent years.

They have also urged residents to report any instances of anti-social behaviour to them with as much information as possible in the first instance as opposed to confronting perpetrators themselves.

It was also added that anyone found driving in a careless or inconsiderate manner could be issued with a section 59 anti-social behaviour order.

This type of warning means that in some instances, vehicles can be seized with any Section 59 warnings issued being in place for twelve months. Further incidents in that time would then lead to additional sanctions.

A spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police said: “We have received reports of anti social behaviour taking place in the area of Davidstow Airfield.The reports received have been of persons driving vehicles in an anti social manner.

“We aim to increase patrols when possible.Please report any incidents using 101 or via the website.Try to make a note of as much information as you can, including registration number, time, place, description of driver, as well as any phone or dashcam footage you might have.

“Personal safety will always be paramount, and please report it to us rather than challenging individuals yourself.Offenders are reminded that driving in a careless or inconsiderate manner can lead to a section 59 being issued and the car being seized.”